Page 4 - CONTOH E-BOOK Ni Putu Hindiani Putri
P. 4
A. Introduction
1. Description Short
In this teaching material, we will discuss the material Greating and Leave
Taking for students in grade 7 junior high school. In this era of globalization, it
is important for us to learn English, where English has been named an
international language for all countries. Non-English-speaking people definitely
need English conversational practice, but often the hardest part is getting started.
The first thing we say to start a conversation is definitely with a greeting
greeting or in English called Greeting. Greeting will indicate 'the first
impression'- a person's first impression of the interlocutor. Not only do we need
to learn some common greetings, but the words used will vary based on the
situation. For example, in a job interview, it would be better to have to use a
formal greeting, but when meeting friends for coffee, it is most likely to be able
to say something informal.
2. Relevansi
This Teaching Material contains material about greetings, non-English speaking
people definitely need English conversational practice, but often the hardest part
is getting started. In this Ebook, we will discuss some greetings and leave taking
that can be used in conversation.
3. Learning Instructions
The purpose of learning Teaching Materials is for students to understand what
greeting is and how examples of using greeting and leave taking, understand the
difference between informal and formal greetings, know examples of greeting
and leave, and can use examples of the use of greeting and leave taking in
everyday life. Here are the learning instructions for studying this Ebook:
Understand each component of the teaching material from the beginning to the
end. Understand the main and supporting material by reading and interpreting it.
Read a variety of other learning resources relevant to the material being studied.
Discuss reading results in discussion forums through online facilities with other
participants and instructors. Do each assignment independently and formative
tests through online facilities. Practice the knowledge gained from the learning
process into daily learning practices and reflect on it.
B. Core
1. Learning Outcomes Understand
what greeting is and how examples of greeting and leave taking are used,
understand the differences between informal and formal greetings, know
examples of greeting and leave taking, and can use examples of the use of greeting
and leave taking in everyday life.
2. Learning Achievement Sub
a. Understand the meaning of greetings and leave.
b. Know examples of the use of greetings and taking leave.
c. Use examples of using greetings and taking leave in everyday life.
3. Main points material
Main points material Teaching Materials are: A. informal and formal greeating &
leaving taking B. useful expression greeting&leave taking.