Page 5 - CONTOH E-BOOK Ni Putu Hindiani Putri
P. 5
4. Description Material (Problem Based Learning)
Inside _ learn English _ the earliest material taught is about expression Greetings
(Greeting) and Expressions separation (parting/leave taking). Material the
always taught at the most basic level for example in SMP/MTs Class 7. Material
this Becomes learning unit opener because of course before learn other material
material this is what was introduced to student. At the start discussion Ebooks
this writer want serve English material _ for Greeting and Leave Taking
The expression of greeting is divided into
2, namely Formal and Informal Greeting.
Formal greetings are usually used in
formal or unfamiliar situations, while
informal greetings are used in relaxed
Gambar 1. Greeting&Leave taking situations, usually familiar or familiar to
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the other person and not formal.
1.1 Formal Greeting
There are many situations where we are possible need more formal
language or _ language professional business in language England.
A number of example general situation this among others:
• Meetings & negotiations business
• Interview work
• Communicating with management level tall
• Say hello president or company CEO
• Show respect _ to the elderly age or people who don't We know
with well
• Meet colleague business new
• Communicating with client new, client level high, angry client. _