Page 7 - CONTOH E-BOOK Ni Putu Hindiani Putri
P. 7

Expression this possible very often _ there is in learning language English.
                  Phrases this common in many books’ language England. Expression this is
                  the best used in formal situations or business when you meet somebody for
                  first time Example conversation:

                  Situation: Ratna Karla is the Manager of STIE STEKOM. She meets the
                  head master of Senior High School of Diponegoro. She has already his name
                  but hasn’t met before.
                  Ratna:  “Good  morning.  How  do  you  do?  I’m  Ratna  Karla  with  STIE
                  Jeremy: “How do you do too, Ms. Karla.” I’m the headmaster of the school,
                  Jeremy Thomas.”
                  Ratna: “Nice to meet you, Mr. Thomas.”

                  Gambar 2. Greeting

                                    1.  Good morning digunakan dari jam 00.00 s/d 12.00 (Jam 00 dini hari sampai dengan 12
                                    2.   Good day/noon diucapkan jam 12.00

                                    3.   Good afternoon digunakan dari setelah jam 12.00 s/d 18.00

                                    4.   Good Evening dipakai dari jam 18.00 s/d 24.00(00.00)

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