Page 15 - SoundWaveModule
P. 15
7. Experiment
The experiment determines the Demung frequency
Objective: To be able to identify the frequency of each demung bar and determine
its tone pattern
Plug in the microphone on the
Necessary materials:
Demonic musical instrument computer and make sure it is
properly connected.
Microphone Open the Audacity software and
Computer with Audacity software
installed select a microphone as the audio
Audio cable (if needed) input source.
Adjust Audacity recording settings to
suit your preferences (e.g. recording
level, file format, etc.).
Place the demung in front of the microphone with the desired bar.
Press the record button in Audacity and play the demung by hitting the
selected bar.
Let the demung vibrate quietly for a few seconds so that the resulting
sound waves can be recorded properly.
After that, stop recording in Audacity.
On the Audacity screen, you will see the recorded sound waves.
Select the part of the wave that represents the base tone using the
selection tool in Audacity.
Use the measurement feature in Audacity to measure the peak-to-peak
wavelength (period) in the fundamental note you are recording.
write your results here