Page 4 - Panama City Panama Guide Preview
P. 4
General Idea of Visiting Panamá City
The country is very near the a resort town on the ocean. from the City. For us, leaving
equator. Panamá does not But the more investigation I the driving to a local was a
observe the U.S. daylight did, coming for a full month, much better choice. You can
savings time - so the sunset there was not enough to do read more about how to get
and sunrise is just about 12 for us in one town which around in the Uber vs. Taxi
hours apart around 6:30 each would require long day trips vs. Rental Car Section later.
day. with a rental car.
We found out most of the
Afternoons are fairly quiet Panamá is not a hugely pop- U.S. ex-patriots live around
since most social life seemed ulated country, except for Boquete. This is a bit higher
to begin after 5pm, probably Panamá City. Once I delved elevation in the mountains in
because of the afternoon heat. into what the actual city had western Panamá. We did not
to offer, it appeared for what visit there on this trip how-
WHY DID WE CHOOSE TO I would save on renting a ever, with the heat the City
STAY IN THE CITY vs. the car - and the stress involved has during the day I have
Beach or Mountains? I did driving around this foreign to guess the climate in the
much investigation of the country for the first time, I mountains might be more fa-
towns of Panamá. First I discovered there are many vorable if you should plan to
thought we need to stay at opportunities of day trips live here year round.
Balboa Avenue
Pacific Ocean
We were fortunate we also were able to watch
in picking the month of a World’s Triathlon event
March! There were many where men and women of
events in the City. For all ages swam a 1k in the
the first time in March, Panamá Canal, biked 90k
the country of Panamá along the waterfront from
brought together all their the Causeway through
Mardi Gras Queens and Balboa Avenue, then ran
did a full parade of each of 30k on the same route.
their region’s winning float
& queen, along with the Hope you too can find
bands who followed be- many local events to en-
hind them. hance this cultural experi-
Among the many events, ence!
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