Page 22 - 2023 LAKE ST CLAIR GUIDE
P. 22

Continued from 14
         ORIGIN of the
        Beginning  in  the 1930’s
        until 1976 when The Raft
        was born, the building was
        owned  by  several  differ-
        ent people and was used
        from bait to boat rental, to
        apartments & bar.
             The Raft owners have                  1986 High Water
        been   through   several
        floods with Lake St. Clair’s         to the interior.                     Cadillaqua at the corner of Meldrum &
        every 20 years or so high water cy-      Howard is now semi-retired and son  M29.  (Last was known as Pelle’s and
                                             Jacob runs the bar full time.  Most of the  has since burned down.)   This group
                                             staff has been there for years, including  of four included Jerry, Tom Jeannette,
                              “1990 Wall”    highest seniority “B” for 45 years!  Sur-  Bond Schnoor, and Pat Green.
                                             rounded by this long time steady staff        They decided to meet again the fol-
                                             Jacob said, “They are THE BEST of the  lowing  year on Good Friday, but this
                                             BEST, and a major reason why we’ve  time they went up the street to Fair Ha-
                                             been successful for this long.”         ven’s Hood’s “Village Tavern” (today is
                                                  The Raft Bar is a quaint locals place  The Lighthouse).  The event grew each
                                             where everyone is made welcome.  A  year with more and more of their racing
                                                        Fair Haven mainstay, they  friends attending.
                                                        are open year round.           One of the attendees, Bill Albrecht
                                                        AND NOW! the              had  been  out  fishing  earlier,  and
                                                                                  brought in some plastic worms.  As a
        cles.    Over the years,                        rest of the Story.....    joke,  Bill adorned several pitchers of
        they’ve been forced to                          how did this Minnowfest   beer  with them, hanging  the worms
        restructure the property                        really start??            over the sides.  So to take the joke a
        to stay dry during these                             So according to Jerry   step further, Jerry’s brother Doug, went
        events.   In 1990, a per-                       Felster, born in Fair Hav-  down the street to Pip’s Bait Store (now
        manent wall was built.                          en in 1942, he was one of   torn down) and filled a styrofoam pail
             2020, our last high                        the initial group made  up   with minnows and then came back and
        water cycle  The Raft    The Raft today with    of local APBA hydroplane   started putting handfuls  of minnows
        flooded  again,  howev-     the breakwall       race guys  who  met  one   into the beer pitchers.  Well as the par-
        er, this time Howard &                          Good Friday                                   ty rolled on, you
        Jacob had as much protection as pos-            in 1972 or         Jeff                       can guess what
        sible and minimized the flood damage   1973 for some drinks at the   from                     happened next.
                                                                           Ohio                            Over the
                                                                                                      next few years
                                                                                                      of this new tra-
                                                                                                      dition,  owner
                                                                                                      Bill Hood was
                                                                                                       Cont pg. 122

                                         Sunrise on Bouvier Bay
                                               where the
                                           Raft Bar is located.

        Page 22 The author, publisher, or seller assumes no liability with respect to the use of information contained herein    ROSE MARINE
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