Page 24 - 2023 LAKE ST CLAIR GUIDE
P. 24

1000s of Boat Parts for Sale

             SAVE $$
                             NEW & USED!

                                                                       t he Beaut y and
                                                                          t he Beas t?
                                                                                          Day of “Raft Off”
                                                                 The sunken ship       I took these two shots -
                                                                “HARLOW               I would easily take the bet
                                                                  LORAN“                 the guys below in the
                                                               is located near the west-   “carefree” vessel
         USED ENGINES/OUTDRIVES       USED BOATS/TRAILERS      ern end of the Middle    had the most fun day.
               ENGINE SWAPS               SHRINK WRAP          Channel, where it flows
                                                               into Lake St. Clair’s An-
              OUTDRIVE REPAIR             WINTERIZING          chor Bay  behind green
                   WE BUY UNWANTED BOATS                       marker buoy #13.  The
                                                               wreck is clearly marked
                   JUNK BOAT DISPOSAL SERVICE                  on charts.
           Full Line of Used Mercruiser • OMC • Cobra •  Volvo Penta        The wooden steam
                                                               barge, Harlow (154‘
             Mercruiser  • Volvo Penta • OMC • Crusader        x  34‘4“  X  10‘7“),  was
                                                               launched  as the Pres-
          196 Northbound Gratiot, Mt. Clemens, MI              ton  in 1891 at  Green
 •           Bay,  WI  and renamed   WHY ARE MARKERS
                           586-770-9431                        in 1902.                    IMPORTANT
                                                                    In 1926, when the
                                                               old ship had outlived its   continued from Page 6 ....  cycles
                                                               usefulness, it was sunk   of high and low water levels roughly
                                                               as a break wall instead   every 20 years.  No one knows why,
                         White                     Brown’s     of being scrapped. The   moon, sun, our orbit changing around
                                  Middle Channel
                                                               hull and prop remain.
           Octagon       Cottage                   Bar         BOATER BEWARE        the sun or moon every 20 years??
           House         all by itself                         This wreck is only a foot        There are safe routes to ALL of
                                                                                    our favorite destinations, so no big
                                                               or so below the surface,
                                                               if you’re checking this
                                                               out be sure to proceed   worries, but what is important though
                                                                                    is everyone  needs  to re-educate
                                                               with caution. Thank you   themselves on where the hazards
                                                               for the photos & story    lie - which  depends on the draft of
         Shipwreck                                             Trevor Walczy -      your vessel.  Which gets me back to
                                                               Drone Shots          the markers in the middle of the lake
                                                                                    which  lead  into the Middle  Chan-
                                                                                    nel.  As the water levels drop, there
                                    Octagon House - The Freedom Boat Club funded  is quite a large  sandbar  between
                                    “Lake St. Clair Mitigation Team” removed an old  Goose Bay and the entrance to the
                                      tree that had been a water hazard in one of the  Middle Channel.  You’ll need to watch
                                    cuts here for a long time - THANK YOU captains,  your depth finder to stay in 3’ of wa-
                                  divers, and crew at Freedom Boat Club!!!  You may  ter “b” (map right).  There also used
                                       follow their FB page for 2023 hazard updates to be a small sandbar just off those
                                                                    or LakeStClairr. markers that we used to anchor and
                                                                                    swim on “c”.    We  tried  to  find  it  a
                                                                                    couple of years ago and could not, so
                                                                                    hopefully that  has naturally eroded
                                                                                    and has washed away.  Another one
                                                                                    that  comes to  mind is leaving Lake
                                                                                    St. Clair  Metropark heading  south.
                    The HARLOW LORAN                                                There  used  to  be  a  sandbar  off  the
                                                                                    point  of  the  park  there,  quite  a  ways
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