Page 27 - 2023 LAKE ST CLAIR GUIDE
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LIGHTHOUSE                 425 Tisdelle Dr.
                     St. Clair Boat Harbor                                VARIETY                  Tilbury, Ontario
                     Pg. 30 - G,D,P / A, M                               & FUEL BAR                 519-682-1707
                     Map   Lat. 42 49.407
                    PG 121  Long. 82 29.146                         Full tackle
                                                                    shop with
                     Belle River Marina                           knowledgeable
                     Pg. 137- G, P/F, M                            staff! All seasons
                     Map   Lat. 42 42.441  St. Clair River            equipment                                     On-Site
                    PG 121  Long. 82 29.88                               & bait!                                   Canadian
                                              MAP is not for                                                    Fish & Hunt
            Mayea Marina                                                                                           Licenses
          Pg. 5- G, P/F, B,W/M                navigational
          Map    Lat. 42 40.40                purposes & is                                              Groceries - Ice
          PG 112  Long. 82 39.13              for reference                                           Scoop Ice Cream
                    Bouvier Bridge Marina     only                                                           Lottery
                    Pg. 141 - G, D, P /F/ M                      “On Shore” VARIETY STORE
             Fair   Map   Lat. 42 40.215                          w/Fuel OPEN year round          Pizza | Hot Dogs
            Haven   PG 113  Lng. 82 38.089  RiverKraft Marine         7am-9pm | 7 Days           Fresh Sandwiches
                                           Pg. 27 - G, D, P /F/ M                                Beer | Wine | Liquor
                                           Map    Lat. 42 38.210
         Bouvier                          PG 120   Long. 82 29.83
                   Clay                     Port
                  Twp.                    Lambton

           N. Channel
                                         Algonac Harbour Club
                                           Pg. 17 - G,D,P/F
           Middle Channel                PG 119  Long. 82 32.94   “On Water” Marine & Mid-Grade          THAMES
                                                Lat. 42 36.60
                                                                                                          of the
                                                                    Bait | Snacks | Ice | Pumpout
          Muscamoot                 Sunset Harbor                   Open Mid May - Mid-October            River
                                  Pg. 77 - G, P / F / M
                                  Map   Lat.  42 36.92
                                 PG 119  Long. 82 33.84
                                                                     Gas, Diesel,
                             Walker’s Landing                        Pump Out
                           Pg. 51 - G/F,B,W/A/M
                            Map   Lat.  42 33.452                 Vacation Rentals
                           PG 119  Long. 82 38.565
                                                                    Bike Rentals
          Middle Channel Marina
           Pg. 48 - G/F,B,W/A/M
           Map    Lat.  42.40.405                                 Snacks•Ice•Pop
          PG 118  Long. 82.44.21                                    Marina with
               “Zoom in” to these         Mitchell’s Bay             Full Services
                     pit stops!          Pg. 70 - G, P / A
                Check out the maps         Lat. 42 28.09             Ships Store
                 at pages 110-119         Long. 82 25.51
             Key to Services:             Map PG 120                Heated/Cold
           G - Gas
           D - Diesel                                            Certified Marine Techs•Winterizing•Prop Repair
                                 Lighthouse Gas Variety
           P - Pumpout            G, P / F,B,W / A / M
           F - Food/Snacks       Mouth of Thames River                                  Easy access to the best
                                 Pg. 27  Lat.  42 19 20.6
                                                                                             of Lake St. Clair
           B - Beer                Long. 82 27 53.28                 GREAT
                                 Map PG 120                          Central            and the St. Clair River!
           W - Wine                                                 Location!
           A - Bait                               Thames                       
           M - Marine Supplies                     River                                   4729 Old River Rd.,
                                                                                         Port Lambton, Ontario
                                                                                        Toll Free:  866-361-8104
                                   The author, publisher, or seller assumes no liability with respect to the use of information contained herein        Page 27
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