Page 2 - Report on PCC Research Day 2019
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The purpose of research day is to highlight research and innovation being done at the college by
both students and staff. The day is dedicated to showcasing the research work undertaken by
students as part of their studies in Associate and Bachelor degree programs and more generally, the
research ideas explored by students under the supervision of faculty.
Originally scheduled for February 28 , the Research Unit was challenged to spearhead the strategic
planning for Research Day. As a result, in February, a proposal was put forward to cancel the event
altogether. However, with strong support from the Principal and the Senior Management Team, it
was unanimously decided to have the event on a small scale (internally) in March. With a budget of
approximately $460,000.00 (see appendix 3), Research Day 2019 was organized and executed on
Thursday March 28 .
The goal of the inaugural event at PCC was to herald a new direction for the college emphasizing
research and innovation. This was realized under the theme: “Putting the spotlight on research and
innovation”. Activities on research day included:
• Department Displays
• Interactive Session
• Discrepant events
• Poster Competition
• Oral Presentations