Page 4 - Report on PCC Research Day 2019
P. 4

The students involved in the research

          poster competition all attended a

          special seminar  facilitated by  Mr.

          Megil McNeil of the Pure and Applied

          Sciences Department. The goal of the

          seminar was to help prepare them for

          the oral section of the poster

          competition.     From     the    survey

          administered to  the participants,

          overall 29% thought the seminar was

          excellent, 57% thought it was good         Mr. Megil McNeil engages students during the research

          and  14%  thought it was fair.  All        poster seminar.

          participants  believed that  the points discussed in the  seminar were  useful and could see the

          practical value of the content. Most of the participants (86%) said that the timing of the seminar

          was not ideal. Some thought it was too close to research day and others had to skip classes to attend.

          Certificates of participation were prepared for all the participants in the competition (Appendix 4).

            Four of the research posters entered for research day.

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