Page 8 - Report on PCC Research Day 2019
P. 8
Poster Competition. Judging for the research poster competition took place with participants
interacting with the judges giving their oral presentations with onlookers keenly listening. The
three judges were:
Andrea McCreath – Pure and Applied Sciences
John Williams – Computer Studies
Heather Archibald-Scott – Arts & Humanities
The research posters were judged according to a
weighting scale of 70% for poster design and content
and 30% Oral Presentation by all three judges. The
The Principal comments on the research
final scores were then averaged. posters on display.
First place winners and their winning
entry (right): Vanessa March, Tahriah
Teape and Joelle Walker.
These conscientious young ladies are all
members of the college’s environmental
club. Under the guidance of their lecturer
Mr. Jeremy Pinnock of the Pure and Applied
Sciences Department, the group came out
on top impressing the judges with their oral
presentation as well as the relevance and
practical value of their research topic.