Page 26 - NUML Annual SDGs Report 2021-22
P. 26

NUML ANNUAL SDGs Report 2021- 22

                   GOAL 4: QUALITY EDUCATION

                   Policy for Lifelong Learning in Connection with UN SDGs

                   NUML has this policy to provide lifelong learning opportunities to community and other
                   relevant  stakeholders.  The  University  aims  to  work  with  the  community  for  inclusive
                   development through social engagement and by establishing links with local community for
                   the promotion of sustainable development.

                   Lifelong Learning Measures
                   Uraan  -  an  initiative  of  students  of
                   Department of Governance and Public
                   Policy (G&PP); the students carried out
                   awareness campaign on education by
                   distributing books among the children
                   living in slum areas of Islamabad on
                   April 12, 2021.

                   Fb page:

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