Page 31 - NUML Annual SDGs Report 2021-22
P. 31

NUML ANNUAL SDGs Report 2021- 22

                   Training on “Enhancing Social Capital for Faculty Innovative Behavior”
                   EDC  organized  a  training  titled,
                   ‘Enhancing Social Capital for Faculty
                   Innovative  Behavior’  for  the  faculty
                   members  on  November  02,  2021.
                   The objective of the training was to
                   expose    faculty   to   innovative
                   behaviors and how they can think out
                   of the box in different scenarios. The
                   program emphasized the significance
                   of strengthening existing relationships
                   and trust, which is an important aspect of our social capital and goodwill.

                   Workshop on ‘Countering the Online Disinformation’
                   Department  of  International  Relations  organized  workshop  on  ‘Countering  the  Online
                   Disinformation’ on November 5, 2021. Mr. Asad Shoaib was the resource person.

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