Page 34 - NUML Annual SDGs Report 2021-22
P. 34

NUML ANNUAL SDGs Report 2021- 22

                   Training on “Data Management and Analysis”
                   The Center organized a training titled, ‘Data Management and Analysis’ on November 11,
                   2021. The objective of the training was to educate faculty members on how to manage big
                   data and how can they derive the required
                   results  out  of  that  data.  The  program  also
                   highlighted  the  importance  of  data
                   management analysis in the teaching field.

                   US ‘English Works!’ _ Program 2021
                    In collaboration with ‘Regional English
                   Language Office, University started virtual
                   program “English Works!”. The Program
                   provides foundation of English language and vocational skills to deserving youth (aged
                   17-25). The six-month, 240 plus hour program boosts English proficiency, develops
                   computer literacy skills, and builds job market
                   knowledge for motivated students who have
                   limited financial resources.

                   Applications were invited from 17-25 years old
                   unemployed  and  underemployed  applicants
                   from  Islamabad,  Rawalpindi  and  adjacent
                   areas  with  minimum  matric  qualification  to
                   participate  in  the  six-months  intensive  virtual
                   EW! Program 2021.

                       “LEARNING IS A TREASURE

                     THAT WILL FOLLOW ITS OWNER

                            CHINESE PROVERBS

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