Page 14 - Host Handbook HTML
P. 14
Once you get the know the child / student that you are caring for it may be appropriate for you to attend events held at their school, e.g. sports matches, plays or music concerts. If you would like to attend a school event please contact College Guardians.
Current full board host accommodation rates (September 2020) is £55 per full day. Additional meals will be charged at £15.00 per meal.
For example for an exeat weekend when a child leaves school at 13.00 and lunch is provided, and returns to school at 19.00 on Sunday after supper, the rate for the weekend will be:
£55.00 x 2 (Friday and Saturday nights)
£15.00 x 2 (Lunch on Friday and supper on Sunday) Total claim £140.00
Mileage to transfer the child to and from school will be paid at a rate of 45p/mile.
Any additional expenses will be reimbursed only on production of receipts and subject to College Guardians approval where appropriate. Any amounts due will be transferred directly to your bank account no later than 21 days after each home-stay period.
In order for us to process your claim swiftly, please email the host claim form to
Or if you are unable to email a claim please send it to: Caroline Lloyd, College Guardians, College Road, Malvern WR14 3DF. When considering activities, either the child will have pocket money, or if this is not the case we will pay expenses for activities but we will need invoices or receipts in order for this to be charged to the parents account and for you to be reimbursed.
The maximum single expenditure amount in these circumstances should not exceed £50 without prior approval.