Page 17 - Host Handbook HTML
P. 17

Please contact Jane Eldridge if you would like any other policies that may help when hosting our students. This includes: complaints policy / Anti-bullying policy / Missing Student policy / e-safety and data protection.
Should a child or student in your care raise concerns however small this may seem please complete the safeguarding forms that you have been given with this handbook.
College Guardians will send Annual Safeguarding training for Host families, the aim of this to help and support you when caring for our students. If there is anything that you would like covered in these training updates please let us know. If you have any queries or concerns at anytime please contact Jane Eldridge or Caroline Lloyd.
Before the beginning of each academic year we will get in touch with you to ensure that all your details that we have are correct. If during the year, any of your circumstances change please let up know.
College Guardians is accredited by AEGIS ( as part of our membership we as a company will be inspected from time to time, it may be that they contact you to help with this process, we would be very grateful for your co-operation and support. Please let us know if you have any questions.

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