Page 4 - Host Handbook HTML
P. 4

At College Guardians we try wherever possible to introduce you to students / children and their families when they first arrive in the UK. Therefore it is likely that you will have already met before their first stay. However, for a number of reasons this is not always possible. Before the child / student arrives at your home (you will either collect them from school or they will arrive in a taxi) you will have been given full details about the child, including their name, age, nationality, religion and any particular dietary requirements or other needs.
in the UK, this is only to be expected. Try to make them feel as comfortable as possible. Introduce them to other members of the family and any pets that you may have. Some children/ students may not be used to having a pet in the home, so please understand that this could be a completely new experience. Show the child / student round your house, and most importantly, their room. If you have children of your own make sure they are included in this introductory process as it will help with your guest and your own family to get to know each other.
They may be nervous when they first arrive, even if you have met when they first arrived

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