Page 5 - Host Handbook HTML
P. 5
Please be aware that it is often the case that English may not be their first language. Please be patient and be prepared to explain any issues or concerns in more detail.
We hope that you will find that your guest is polite and well mannered. Please do be aware of cultural differences between the UK and the home country of the child / student, what may seem rude to us can often be quite acceptable to a person from another country.
This would then be a good time to sit them down with a drink and a snack and chat over a typical family day in your home, e.g. mealtimes, times they can use
the internet and television etc and set some basic ground rules. Children will be used to this as they will be coming from a strict boarding school environment.
You need to know the whereabouts of the child at all times. Make sure that they have the telephone number of the house and any mobile numbers and the emergency number of College Guardians (they will have been given our contact
details but check that they still have this) If they have a mobile, ask them for their number, and remind them to ensure that their phone is charged and switched on.