Page 7 - Host Handbook HTML
P. 7
You will be expected to provide three meals a day for the child, to fit in with your family routine. Most children will be happy to try English food as this is what they have been given at school, but there will be occasions where they do not like what is being served. Ask them what they do like and try to build some of this into your family meal. You may find that some children are keen to share their cooking skills with you.
We suggest that within reason you have set mealtimes which fit in with your family routine and ensure that your guest is aware of these times.
Most children will have had experience of dining in a school environment but others may still have manners that are akin to their own cultural background. Please be aware and tolerant of this, and carefully explain what is expected when dining in the UK.
Growing teenagers seem to be hungry all the time and may want to snack between meals! Schools will offer snacks such as toast and cereals or fruit. Where possible try to avoid too much “junk” between meals. Quite often children / students will buy their own snacks.
If a child / student has any special dietary needs or allergies you should have been informed of this before they arrive. If whilst hosting you notice any unusual eating habits please inform College Guardians so that we can discuss this with the child’s / students’ house parents when the go back to school.