Page 8 - Host Handbook HTML
P. 8
Please be aware that the majority of children / students will have extremely busy lives at boarding school and when they come to stay they will undoubtedly want some “downtime”.
Don’t feel that you constantly need to entertain your guest – generally children / students like to relax during the school holidays and this will include having a lie in, watching television and playing computer games!
They may have some schoolwork to catch up on or need to practice a musical instrument – so could well want to spend time in their room.
If you are concerned that your guest is spending too much time alone in their room please let us know.
It is quite normal for children / students to feel homesick – many of them are quite young and often coming to school in the UK will be the first time they have left their family. By the time they come to you they will have been at school for a few weeks so hopefully have had time to settle into their “new life”. You can help the child / student that you are looking after in a number of ways.
Let them know that it is quite normal to feel homesick, and keeping busy will help them to overcome this. It is also important to encourage them to keep in-touch with their families, perhaps suggest a SKYPE call so you can all talk to their parents and let them know what you have been doing over the school break. Most importantly please try to support them and let them know that the feeling of homesickness will not last for ever and they will learn to cope.