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Helping Animals in Need Since 1995... 1995-2020
Since founding Redwings Horse Sanctuary in 1984, Wendy Valentine had become Patron: Martin Shaw
increasingly aware of, and concerned by, the terrible conditions endured by farmed
animals, especially those reared on factory farms. So, in February 1995, determined to Home to over 4000 rescued animals...
help by raising awareness of their plight and giving Sanctuary to those in need, she started
Hillside Animal Sanctuary. ...while campaigning on behalf of others
in need, particularly the millions who
People told Wendy she would find it difficult to raise interest in farm animals but, suffer every day in the intensive
25 years later, Hillside has been a home and a refuge for literally countless animals in factory farming industry.
need that otherwise would have faced a sad and painful end.
Hillside Animal Sanctuary
Over the years, we have worked with numerous television companies who have broadcast
our sometimes harrowing video evidence, exposing the reality of what many farmed Hill Top Farm
animals are forced to endure, often on supposedly ‘High Welfare’ farms. Hall Lane Frettenham
What we have learned in the last 25 years is that authorities will often stop at nothing to Norwich NR12 7LT
cover up the extent of suffering of farmed animals. Some of the most stringent laws in the
world are supposed to protect the welfare of animals on British farms, but we have shown Hillside Shire Horse Sanctuary
time after time that there is little interest in upholding them. These laws only seem to exist to
give false assurance to the general public. We will continue to highlight this by showing people Sandy Lane West Runton
what really goes on behind the closed doors of the factory farming industry.
( 01603 736200
We have also witnessed the incredibly strong bonds that animals form with each other.
This is why we always strive to keep them together, in their established groups, wherever
we can, allowing them to live as naturally as possible while providing them with the
necessary food, care and veterinary attention.
By the end of 1995 there were 100 rescued animals at the Sanctuary, and now in 2020, thanks
to the continued help and compassion of our supporters and the caring dedication of our staff,
we care for well over 4000 contented animals on eight farm locations around Norfolk.
On the following pages we highlight some of the highs and lows of the last 25 years...