Page 8 - Hillside25Years
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1999 Hillside Farm Animal
Investigations Begin...
700 Rescued Animals...
Actor Martin Shaw One of our first Farm Animal Investigations
becomes Hillside’s Patron... exposed the terrible conditions inside a
Norfolk battery egg farm. We found hens
When Martin Shaw and his wife Vicky perched on the dead bodies of their
arrived at the Sanctuary with Eric and companions as eggs piled up behind the
Ernie, two beautiful ducks they had rescued lifeless, decaying birds.
from a local intensive duck farm, we were only too pleased to help by offering
them a home. Martin was so impressed by Hillside he offered to become our Patron We went on to show just how many of the
and we are very grateful that he has remained so ever since, supporting our work. UK’s farms were in a similar, appalling
condition, and that the authorities would
○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ often conceal this malpractice up by trying
to hide the truth from a public that was
William the Shire Horse Joins our Adoption Scheme becoming increasingly concerned about
animal welfare.
William arrived at the Sanctuary in August
1999 at just fifteen months old. He had been The farm owner, who was no less than the
rejected by his previous owner because his regions’ top NFU egg representative,
conformation (the way he moves) was not callously stated,‘I have shown a lot of
quite ‘perfect.’ This didn’t matter to him as he people around my farm and they say they
could still run and play, and it didn’t matter to can’t see what all the fuss is about’.
to us either. We were pleased to give him a
home where he soon joined our adoption 8