Page 4 - Hillside25Years
P. 4
1995 In the Beginning...
100 Rescued An Early Rescue
In our first ever Newsletter
Our first newsletter we introduced Jane and her
calf Rudolf who were
rescued in an emaciated
condition and covered in
sores. Their
former owners had been
prosecuted for cruelty to
horses but nobody had
bothered about the cows.
They went on to live a
happy life together at
A Hillside Advert...
In May 1995 Hillside placed an advert in the national press highlighting the inhumane
treatment of cows in the dairy industry. The Advertising Standards Agency (ASA)
stepped in after farmers complained about our advert. However, after further
investigation we were pleased with their damning indictment:
‘We understand that the statements are true of most dairy herds and that dairy farmers
who rear their animals as humanely as possible seem to be in the minority. As the
claims are factually accurate, Council consider the advertisement acceptable.’