Page 123 - Make Up Your English
P. 123
JENNv: Oh, Mary. How silly! You are coming
back tomorrow... There you are, Mary! You
A turno pratica i personaggi del dialogo con un qr
can givero me the money tomorrow.
MARv: Thank you very much, Jenny. See you.
JENNY: See you tomorrow then. M
Gli acquisîi di Mary non sono ancora termina-
ti... Leggi il dialogo e prova a inserire le do- Decidi se le seguenti affermazioni sono vere (T) E
mande mancanti. o false (F). Correggi quelle false.
MARv: So, I have a new body scrub, a new night Í Mary has oily skin e \-rl u
creaml... No anticellulite products, but I still2 E The cleansing milk is very A
need a cleansing milk... ........................? n strong g) tv P
JENNy: Yes, I do. You have combination skin. El You apply the cleansing milk ,,-\
This cleansing milk is suited for it. It's very only on your face O r{/
mild and cleanses the skin gently3 yet thor- O You don't wash the cleansing milk
oughly' from surface dirts and make-up. off after applying it C \f_/
MARy: ........................? El 5 Mary hasn't got any toner at home O
JENNv: Apply it every evening on your face and Gl After cleansing, you aPPIY
neck making circular motions with your fin- a lot of tonic C O
gertips. Massage thoroughly on the oily zone. E You apply both cleansing milk
Then wash it off with warmT water. Use a andtoniceverynight (} O
toner to remove any residue. ........................? El E You apply the tonic starting from
MARY: No. I don't. anywhere you want C lg)
JENNv: Well, you need a skin tonic... This one E| Mary thinks she is buYing too
contains orange-blossom wateC. Dab some on many products 0 e
a cotton wool pade and apply it to the face. IE Mary has got enough money
Begin with the T-zone and then move into the topayforeverything G e
dry zone.
MARY: ........................? n
JENNY: You apply it every night.
MARY: ........................? tr Leggi il dialogo e trova la traduzione inglese dei
JENNv: It takes just few minutes to apply it. termini e delle espressioni seguenti.
M.A.Rv: Very well, thanks. ........................? El
JENNy: Let me see... ........................? E Il Pelle mista
MARY: There are four products. H Latte detergente
JENNv: The body scrub costs f15 and the night El Adatto a
cream is f.25. Your new cleansing milk and (l Delicato
tonic are f25. 1.5 + 25 + 25 = f.65.It's f,60 H Sporco superficiale
altogether. Is it OK? Gl Detergere
MARv: Well, I don't know if I have enough mon- úl Movimenti circolari
ey... El Punta delle dita
JENNY: ........................? H El Accuratamente
MARY: I have only f50... iE Rimuovere
lll Residuo
lE Tonico per la pelle
fB Applicare
îA ZonaT
lE Spostarsi
iE Dare