Page 125 - Make Up Your English
P. 125

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     Some Beauty Products for Skin Care
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                                                 Exfoliators  and Scrubs
                                                Apart îrom make-up remover  and cleansing  milk.
                                                a good choice fbr the perfect  cleansing  is the regu-  E
                                               lar use of exlbliatclrs  and scrubs. You use exfbliators
                                               and scrubs  to remove dead cells. Scrubs are dilferent
                                              from peeling  products. Peeling products contain mally  u
                                             supplements and vitarnins  and are used to soften thc  P
                                            upper skin layers . Scrubs are usually gels that corìtaln
                                           vitamins and microparticles, which have a light abrasive
                                            action.  Natural  scrubs are divided into herbal scrubs.
                                             which contain  pits of apricots and peaches, and mineral
                                              scrubs.  which contain  clayey  material (kaolin). volca-
                                                nic pumice  and so on. A very effective  natural  scrub
                                                 is one containing  sea salt, which has I very gootl
                                                  efÈct upon the skin.

      Face Packs
      Face packs  (or mudpacks) have different
      structures and different  purposes.  So
      their components  are clifferent.  We cho-
      tr:e the lace pack that ue uuttt lo appll
      according  to the skin type. lf the skin is
      oily. then  you use a purifying face pack'
      Ifthe skin is dry, then the face pack needs
      to have a moisturising eflect. Face  packs
      purify, nourish. hydrate, regenerate,  and
      trighicn  the complexion  . They clean skin cleeply  ancl also remove  dead cells and toxins.  Face  packs
      urùtly contain  vitamin  C and other antioxiclants  . The skin looks srnooth,  fresh, and clean thanks  ttr
      jqob.ioil  ancl bee wax . while dried lemon  and orange  help regulate oil secretion and brighten the
      complexion. Also ylang-ylang  sol'tens and smoothes  all fìrcial pores'

      Toner lemoves all residues  and helps to balance the    i          lt'''  riiu  ui:',
                                                                        --,''   ..:,.::   ..a. ....
      value of the skin pH. Each kind of skin requires  il spe-        :tì:.  '
      cial loner. Both delicate  and couperose-affècted  skins  1 detersione  i:lì,]:iìl'  'lO colorlto  :
                                                          z ammòrbidiiè     ìÌ in ptdfondiià
      require alcohol-free  torìers.  enriched with azulene or  3 superiori  ,.',,  12  antiolsidant;
      witch-hazels extracts.  A toner suited for dehydratecl  4 straii      r: ceràii1'api
       skin contains  orange-blossom  water or rose water. Old  :, leggermente  X4 secrezione
                                                                            ?5 arricchiti di
                                                          ri argilloso
       skin requires  toner with stimulating  components  (fbr  : pomice    '1ó  hamamelis
       instance,  ginseng),  while oily skin needs  an astringerlt  ;,a  seconda  dildel  Ì 7 astringente
       pLrrifying.  and antiseptic  toner.                 . purificante    'j  i{ antisettico
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