Page 119 - Make Up Your English
P. 119


         Body Scrubs

         Ascolta la nota informativa  sugli scrub per il corpo e metti le  frasi  nell'ordine  conetto'
                 Pay particular  attention  to the har-
                 shestr skin areas such as elbows
                 and knees.                                                                         u
                 Body  scrubs are suspensions ofco-
                 arse granules in gel or semiliquid                                                 P
                 medium.  Each exfoliant has a light
                 abrasive action and helps to rejuve-
                 nate2 the skin. It removes all dead
                 cells from your body and exposes
                  a layer of new skin. By scrubbing
                  offthe top3 layer ofyour dead cells,
                  your skin feels smoothel and you
                  prevent ingrown  hairss too. It sti-
                  mulates circulation  too.
                  Apply  some rich body lotion or oil
                  after the scrub in order to moistu-
                  rise6 your exfoliated skin.
                  Don't use a body  scrub too fre-
                  quently.  Two or three times a week
                  is enough.
                  Before applying  any body scrub, cle-
                  anse your body  as usuaf.  Then get
                  two tablespoonss  of the scrub  and apply it to dampe skin. Rub the product  gently in circular
                  motions  towardsro  the heart, starting from the feet and legs to your body and arms.
                  Don't shave  before using any scrubs if you don't want to irritate your skin.
                  Rinse throughlyll  and wipe away all of the product.
                  If you want, use a loofah or a body massager  to apply the product'
                  Dorft use any scrubs on very  sensitive  skin, or if you are sunburned  or have some ahrasions.
                  If your body scrub contains  some essential oils, leave it to act for five minutes.

          Traduci le seguenîe  domandi, quindi rispondi.

          Il  Cosa  sono gli scrub  Per  il corPo?
          El Cosa fanno gli scrub  Per  il corPo?
          El Come si applica uno scrub per il corpo?
          El  Quanto  prodotto si usa?
          Et Con che frequenza  si usa uno scrub per il corpo?
          Gl  Quando  non si usano  gli scrub per il corpo?
          E  Quante  volte si usa uno scrub per il corpo in una settimana?
          Et Se uno scrub contiene degli oli essenziali,  per quanto tempo  si lascia agire?
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