Page 114 - Make Up Your English
P. 114

EII       Who, whom e which, come abbiamo visto, possono  essere  usati anche come complemento  indiretto.

       0r       In questo  caso, devono essere usati insieme  a una preposizione.  Tale preposizione  può  essere posta o
                prima  del pronome  relativo oppure  dopo il verbo e l'eventuale complemento oggetìo (spesso, quindi,
                alla fine della frase relativa).  Anche in questo caso, nelle frasi non incidentali il pronome  relativo
        M       può essere  omesso purché  si mantenga  la preposizione  dopo il verbo. Nelle frasi incidentali,  invece,
        A       il pronome  relativo deve sempre  essere  espresso.
                e.9. The make-up  artist for whom you are waiting  is really skillful. (La make-up  artist che stai aspet-
        K          tando è davvero capace)
        E          The make-up  artist you are waiting  for is really skillful. (La make-up  artist che stai aspettando è
                   davvero capace)
                   The beauty centre  to which I sent my enquiry is Mary's. (Il centro estetico a cui ho mandato la mia
        u          richiesta  è di Mary)

                   The beauty centre I sent my enquiry to is Mary's. (Il centro  estetico a cui ho mandato la mia ri-
        P          chiesta è di Mary)
                   Mrs Blackberry, for whom my mother  works, is a good beautician.  (La signora Blackberry, per la
                   quale lavora mia madre, è una brava  estetista)
                   Mrs Blackberry,  who/whom  my mother works for, is a good beautician.  (La signora Blackberry,
                   per la quale lavora mia madre, è una brava esfetista)
                   The tool, with which you are working,  is dangerous. (Lo strumento  con cui stai lavorando  è pericoloso)
                   The tool, which you are working with, is dangerous.  (Lo strumento  con cui stai lavorando  è peri-

                E Unisci  le seguenti  coppie difrasi con un pro-  EI The history of Italy   I don't know
                  nome relativo.
                                                                 anything about must be very interesting.
                                                              EI My eye shadow
               Il  Mrs Byron is my teacher. She is very young.                       you like so much is
                                                                very good.
               E My aunt works  in a beauty  shop.  She is a
                  beauty consultant.                          El The magazine  I am reading  is full of
               E My mother  always goes to work by car. She
                                                             El Miss Byron
                  is a doctor  and works at St Mary's hospital.                  you see there is my
               O We like nail art. It is very interesting.      manicure  teacher.
                                                             ts Diana
               H My boyfriend  and I are going  to the cinema.              lives near the beauty centre is
                  We like romantic films.                       very nice.
               H My bag is in the treatment room. It,s full of  EI Here are my tools,  among  ............ are the
                  cosmetics.                                    nippers.
                                                             Gl I always  buy the cosmetics  ............ I like.
               H Mary is decorating  her nails with roses. She
                  loves  French-manicured  nails.
                                                             El Completa  con who, that o which.
               ts The beauty therapist  is professionally
                                                             Il  I met a woman
                  removing  and rounding her cuticles. They                         can speak  six
                  were really hard.                             languages.
                                                             El What's the name of the lady
               Hl Mary decorated her toenails  with thin                                       booked
                                                                a treatment yesterday morning?
                  pretty white tips. She painted  her toenails
                  with a soft light pink polish.             El Everybody  went to the party had a
                                                                good time.
               lS Mary is trying a new make-up.  She is a
                                                             H Do you know anybody
                 make-up  stylist.                                                        wants to be
                                                                my model  for a lesson?
                                                             El Where  is the picture   was on the
               El Inserisci whq whom o which. Se necessario.
                 aggiungí  anche le virgole.
                                                             Gl Mrs Smith always asks me questions
              ll  That lady ............ is sitting over there has a
                 very nice  dress.                             are difficult  to answer.
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