Page 117 - Make Up Your English
P. 117
O indefinite adjectives and Pro-
O talking/asking about quanti- nouns 0?
ties and availability O compounds of some, any, no,
O talking about prices and every M
O both/either/neither
5kills A
O how to express quantity
O somebeautyproductsforskin O how + adjective or adverb K
care O indirect questions E
6rammar <€ Extension
O countable and uncountable O false friends u
nouns O invariable nouns
A Client in Need want! First of all, there are different
kinds of massage, and then there are
Siamo nel centro estetico dell'In- some techniques, such as ionophore-
ternational Beauty AcademY. Jen- sis, passive exercise or electrostimu-
ny, che abbiamo già incontrato nel- lation, and pressure therapy' I think
le Learning Unit precedenti, riceve that some massages would bea great
una visita di Mary. and enough to solve Your Problem!
MARY: Do you? Are You sure? You
know, I feel so sad! I've losts a few
kilos and I'm still on a diet, but I think my
body needs toning uP a little ...
Leggi it dinlogo e sottolinea tutte le parole usate JENNv: Don't worry about it! It's normal... Let
per specificare una quantità, siano esse pronom| me see... Brenda, our masseuse, is free tomor-
aggettivi o awerbi (qualsiasi cosa, qualche' molto, row afternoon. She has some time to talk to
poco, qualcosa, nessuno, un po' di, tuno, abba- you about a possible programme. She is very
stanza, così/tanto). Prova afare una lista e cerca good, a real specialist! I'll leave6 her a message
di individuare i diversi modi in cui sono usate. so thatT you can8 talk to her.
MARY: Hallo, Jenny! MARv: That's great! And what about some good
JnxNv:Hi, Mary! How are You? toning products?
MARY: Fine, thanks. And You? JENNY: Come with me... We have a separate
JENNv: Fine. I'm very happy to see you here in showroom for cosmetic Products.
our beauty centre. Your appointment is fixed
for tomorrow... Do you have any problems? Is LANGUAGE FOUNDATION
there something I can do for You? 0uando qualcuno fa un'affermazione e si vuole
MARv: Thank you, Jenny' There's no problem esprimere sotpresa o interesse, si ricorre alle cosid-
with my appointment... I was doing some shop- dette echo questions. Esse sono formate ripetendo
ping and... Well, I'd like to havel some infor- t'ausiliare della frase alla quale si reptica accom-
mation about all treatments for cellulite. I am pagnato dat pronome personate soggetto- (cosi nel
diatogo essa diventa, appunto, Do you?). Se la frase
also looking for2 some good anti-cellulite or a cui si intende replicare è negativa, si ricorre a una
toning products... I want to know everything echo question anch'essa negativa.
about improving tone and shaPe! e.g, She is a beauty therapist. Is she? Where does she
JENNv: Oh, Mary, don't have such a critical at- work? (Fa t'estetista. Dawero? Dove lavora?)
dtude3, please! As to the treatments, it depends I'm buying a new red tipstick. Are you? (Sto
comprando un nuovo rossetto rosso. 0awero?)
on your preferences... We can do anything you