Page 148 - Make Up Your English
P. 148
JANE: Jenny? Was she alonea?
0g caRol: Yes, she was. She was ............ lE some new ............ B tools
and so I bought a cold depilatory wax5 in the same shop. Oh, Jane,
M wait a minute, mum is calling me!
CAROL: Here I am, Jane. I was telling you about my new ............ *l
K wax...
E Jl,xn: Yes. Have you ever used one?
caRol.: Yes, I have used it once. It was a disaster! My sister is very ............ El at waxing. I think
she can6 El me.
u .lAxn: Has she ............ El used depilatory wax?
caRol,: Yes, she has used it many p. I've always used hair-removal creams and soapsT.
P I've ............ El used razorss!
.laxp: Good choice, Carol. Are you free tomorrow ............ n?
caRor,: Yes, I am.
lann: What about going ts together?
caRor,: Good idea. When do you think we can meet?
Jlxn: I have an H at 3 o'clock. Shall we meet at 5?
caRor,: That's perfect. I'll call you ............ lD school. I must goe now. Mum is calling me ............ fi!!
Jlxp: See you tomorrow afternoon, Carol.
caRor,: See you. Bye.
Rileggi i due dialoghi e sottolinea tutti iverbi aI passato, quindi rispondi alle seguenti domande.
ll Quale tempo verbale è usato maggiormente nel primo dialogo?
EI Quali tempi verbali sono usati nel secondo dialogo?
EI Sapresti spiegare le motivazioni per cui i tempi verbali usati sono diversi?
Rileggi nuovamente i dialoghi, quindi completa la griglia seguente indicando chi riguarda
ciascuna delle seguenti affermazioni, scegliendo tra Carol, Jane e Jenny.
Carol Jane Jenny
E She called yesterday o o o
Hl She didn't answer the phone o o o
El She wanted to do some shopping o o o
tr She went to Brighton o o o
El She went to the library o o o
tr She walked on the beach o o o
El She studied o o o
Et She went to the shopping centre alone o o o
Et She bought a cold depilatory wax o o o
lS She bought some manicure tools o o o
III She has used a depilatory wax once o o o
lE She has always used hair-removal creams or soaps o o o
IE She has never used razors o o o
@ lE She says that her sister is very good at waxing o o o