Page 145 - Make Up Your English
P. 145

                                       O  present  perfect simple
         O talking aboutthe  past, recent                                                          08
                                       O  present perfect continuous
            activities,  and experiences
         O talking about  routines  and  <€  Extension                                               M
            habits in the past
                                       O colours  and shapes                                         A
         Skills                        O to be: past  simple                                         K
         O cosmetics in ancient times  O irregular  verbs
                                       O  past simple: all verbs                                     E
         Grammar                       O to work: past  continuous
         O  past simple:to  be         O to work  present perfect  simple
         O  past simple                O  past perfect                                               u
         O  past continuous

       E-mailing a Friend                                        seuse and a true make-up artist, but
                                                                 she still cannot waxs perfectly. She
                                                                has always  had problems with wax-
                                                                inge and her customers  have always
                                                                complainedr0 about  the results. She
       Leggi l'e-mail che Jane scrive  alla
                                                                waxed her sister's legs that same
       sua amica Julia. Sottolinea tutti i
                                                                day. It was a real disaster! The wax
       verbi al tempo passato e prova a
                                                                was either  too hot or too cold. In the
       identificare le quattro diverse co-
                                                                end she also left some hairs on one
       struzioni  che sono possibili. Prova                      side of the right leg. Anyway,
       a descrivere  i diversi  usi di queste
       Dear Julia,
       it's a long time since I last wrote you. I've
       been very busyt this month. I've been  stud-
       ying very hard for my exams. Two weeks
       ago I also found ajob in a beauty centre near
       the school. I go there twice a week, on Friday
       afternoon and on Saturday. I work with four
       skilled2 beauty therapists: Anne, Mary,  Lucy,
       and Brenda. Anne was  just looking for a nice
       place to open her own salon when she met Mary.
       Mary  was working for a very big salon in the city
       centre but she wasn't  satisfied3.  So they decided
       to work together. They openedThe Red Roses'
       Beauty Salon four years ago. They soon realiseda
       that they needed some good assistants. They ran
       some interviewss but they didn't find anyone.  So
       they turned6 to my school  for a name list. This is
       the way they met Lucy and Brenda and also the
       way I met them!
       Last Saturday  Brenda told me about the begin-
       ning ofher career. She was very young and also
       terriblv afraidT! Now she is a verv skillful mas-
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