Page 146 - Make Up Your English
P. 146

tu        I'd love torr become as skillful  as she       LANGUAGE FOUNDATION

              even if she cannotrr wax perfectly.             Soon  è un avverbio  di tempo e traduce presto,  con
                                                              il significato di a breve/in  poco  tempo.  Per tradurre
     ffiffi   What about you? Are you still work-            presto  con il significato  di mattìniero/appena  iniziato
              ing for that horrible  lady?  Haven't you
                                                              (primo)/vicíno nel tempo/per  tempo/dí  buon'ora/in
      M       changed  your job yet?                          antícipo,  si ricorre  a early, che è sia aggettivo sia
      A       I came back home two weeks  ago, but            avverbio. Per tradurre  presto con il significato  di
              you were not there because  you were           veloce/velocemente,  sí ricorre  a quîck/quickly. Un'al-
      K       on holiday. What were your holi-               tra traduzione di veloce/velocemente  è  /cst,  che è
                                                             sia aggettivo sia avverbio  e può significare anche
              days like? Where did you go?
      E                                                      profondamente/completamente/s  aldamente. Riguardo
              I'm coming back home
                                                             ai colorifast significa solido  (resistente).
              asain next weekend.                            e.g. Must  you  leave so soon?  (Devi  partire  così presto/a
      u       What about hav-                                   breve?)
              ing a  drink                                      See you soon. (Ci vediamo presto)
      P       together on                                       I don't iike getting  up early in the morning.
                                                                (Non mi piace alzarmi  presto la mattina)
                                                                She goes to school in the early afternoon. (Va a
              evening?  Let                                     scuola  nel primo pomeriggio)
              me knowrr...                                      He quickly  ate up his dinner.  (Mangiò veloce-
                                                                mente la sua cena)
                                                                He had a quick meat. (Fece un pasto veloce)
                                                                You are learning very fast. (Stai imparando ve-
                                                                I adore fast cars. (Adoro  le auto veloci)
                                                                He was fast asleep.  (Era profondamente  addor-
                                         ,t   -  i              mentato)
               trry*4wsew*r-vqryry,,:;Y{                        Hotd the rope fast! (Stringi  saldamente  la corda)
               11 rni piacerebbe molto                          These are fast colours,  you can wash them in
               î2 Ron sa                                        hot water. (Questi colori  sono resistenti,  puoi
               I3 fammi  sapere                                 lavarli  in acqua calda)

                                                               Brenda and Lucy opened  The Red
                                                               Roses' Beauty  Salon four years ago
              Rileggi il dialogo e dividi i tempi  verbali  che
                                                               Mary was working  for a beauty salon
              Itai sottolineato  nei quottro gruppi  indicati  di
                                                               in the city centre when she
                                                               met Anne
                 Past simple:                                  Anne and Mary ran no interviews because
                 Past continuous:  ............                they needed  no assistants
                 Present perfect:                              Anne is a very skillful  masseuse
                 Present  perfect  continuous:                 Brenda has always had problems
                                                               with waxing
                                                               Brenda's customers have always
                                                               complaincd about her waxing
                                                               Brenda has waxed her sister's les
              Decidi  se le affermalioni seguenti sono vere (T)
                                                               this morning
              o  false  (F). Correggi quelle  false.
                                                               The temperature  of the wax was
                 Jane wrote a letter to Julia two              correct
                 days ago                                      She left no hair on her sister's legs
                 Jane has been very busy this month            Julia works  for a horrible lady
                 She hasn't studied hard                       Last time Jane went back home,
                 She found ajob in a beauty centre             she met Julia
                 two months ago                                Jane knows  where Julia went
                 She works at the beautv centre                on holiday
                 everv dav                                     Jane is going back home tomorrow
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