Page 161 - Make Up Your English
P. 161
t:f Nella forma interrogativa, il verbo occupa, invece, il primo posto nella frase e I'ordine degli elementi
della frase diventa il sesuente:
Was/Were + Soggetto + Resto della frase
M e.g. Was Carol at home? (Carol era a casa?)
A Were Mary and Jane at the beauty centre? (Mary e Jane erano al centro estetico?)
Nella forma interrogativo-negativa, esistono due possibilità. Usando la forma piena, la struttura
della frase è la seguente:
Was/Were + Soggetto + NOT + Resto della frase
e.g. Was Carol not at home? (Carol non era a casa?)
u Were Mary and Jane not at the beauty centre? (Mary e Jane non erano al centro estetico?)
P Ricorrendo alla forma contratta, la struttura della frase diventa, invece, la seguente:
Wasn't/Weren't + Soggetto + Resto della frase
e.g. Wasn't Carol at home? (Carol non era a casa?)
Mary and Jane at the beauty centre? (Mary e Jane non erano al centro estetico?)
Per quanto riguarda le risposte brevi, esse sono costruite secondo la seguente
Yes, + Soggetto (pronome personale) + Was/Were
No, + Soggetto (pronome personale) + Wasn't/Weren't
e.g.Were Mary and Jane at the beauty centre yesterday? Yes, they were./No, they
weren't. (Mary e Jane erano al centro estetico ieri? Sì/No)
Was there any cream in the jar? Yes, there was./No, there wasn't. (C'era della
crema nel vasetto? Sì. c'eralNo. non c'era)
1 Completa le seguentifrasi con i/ past simple E Volgi le frasi dell'esercizio precedente infor-
del verbo tobe. ma negativa, interrogativa e intemogativo-
fll There several products on the shelf negativa.
in the bathroom.
ffi Mary and Brenda on holiday last El Trasforma le seguenti frasi al past simple,
usando Ie espressioni di tempo tra parentesi.
Sl He in a small town near Rome last [I Jane's at home. (yesterday)
month. E[ The customers are in the beauty salon
ilffi That shop ............ in the centre of the city waiting for their turn. (a few minutes ago)
last year. El She is my best friend because she is so
W Jane ill the day before yesterday. lovely. (three years ago)
*l There many Cosmetology books on Zl My two children are both at school,
the table some minutes ago, but now there Madam. (the day before yesterday)
are none. E! There are many clients in the beauty salon.
ffit They at the cinema at 9 o'clock (two hours ago)
yesterday night. Gl It's cloudy and windy. (yesterday
ffi She here with her best friend the dav morning)
before yesterday. 5l Jack's at the cinema with Mary. (last
ffi You very nervous before dinner last Sunday)
Sunday. El I am sorry, Madam, but we are on holiday.
EH This book ............ new two years ago. (last week)