Page 163 - Make Up Your English
P. 163

tu        IE In Roman times, a pale complexion          ts Vista

               14 The Romans contributed                     H Disegnare
     08        lE During Roman times,  cosmetics             El Linea

               IE Ochre coloured                             E Sopracciglia
       M       A a religious significance.                   E Verde
       A       B dyes to lighten their hair.                 E Palpebra inferiore
               C eyes and eyebrows.                          I  Palpebra superiore
       K       D for thousands ofyears.                      ID Henné
       E       E invented  many make-up  tools.              III Arancione
               F is a dark substance  which people put around  lE Cappelli
                 their eyes.                                 lE Accelerare
       u       G is a reddish brown dye.                     fE Ocra
               H lost its religious significance.            lE Splendore
       P       I  meant you were rich.                       lD Spalle
               J  Roman ladies' cheeks  and lips.            fB Braccia
               K their lips and cheeks  with a red product.  lE Scomparire
               L their nails with henna.
               M to the spread ofspas.
               N used kohl to emphasise  their eyes.
               O using Egyptian cosmetics.
                                                             Fill in the gaps with the verbs  given.
               P wrote a book about  beauty tips.
                                                             Men and women        E  (to desire) a
                                                             pale face to look aristocratic through many
                                                             centuries, until the tanned look ............ E  (to
                                                             replace)  the pale face in the early 20th century
               A Write down  the ltalian equivalent of the  fol-
                 lowing terms.                               thanks  to Hollywood stars, theatre actresses,
                                                             and ballet dancers. Women     E  (to want)
               E Dyes                                        to look as young  as possible and cosmetics
               E Cosmetics                                         4  (to help) them, together with the new-
               E Manufacture                                 born beauty salons.
               4  Tools                                      The era of mass-market cosmetics ............ E
               El Make-up                                    (to begin)  in the 20'h century when some of the
               ts To outline                                 most famous brands      El  (to be) founded.
               f  Cheeks                                     Product ranges      E  (to increase)  greatly
               Gl Grey                                       since  then and the industry of cosmetics
               El Yellow                                     E  (to become) a multi-billionaire  business.
               fD Nails                                      Now the market       I  (to offer) make-
               fII Extremely                                 up products,  skincare  products for face and
               lE To lighten                                 body, cleansing systems...  Anything you can
               l3 Crown                                      imagine!
               lE Spa
               fE To contribute
               lE Alluring
               fB White
                                                             Answer the  following   questions.
               fE Neck
               IE Pale                                       tr  Who made  the tanned look popular?
               E Tanned                                      a  What did women  start to desire in the 20'h
               B Read the text again and lookfor the English  g
                 equivalent  of the  following  terms.         V/hen did mass-market cosmetics begin?
                                                             at  Has the cosmetic industry grown since its
               n Consigli dibellezza                           birth?
               a Significato                                 E  What does the market  offer todav?
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