Page 165 - Make Up Your English
P. 165

appoinment  last Friday and she ............ (to  E To read                              tu
          ask) to come in two days.                  n To go
       EI  Customers  (to be) always satisfied       EI To cut                                     w8
          when they       (to see) the price for     EI To drive
          treatment.                                 ID To have                                     M
       m  I ............ (to cleanse) my face every day  fn To make
          before going to bed.                       IE To come                                     A
       a  Metti in ordine le  frasi  trasformando,  dove  IE To take                                K
          necessario,  i verbi al passato.           m To pay                                       E
                                                     rc To buy
       tr  TV/I/fi lm/on/watch/evening/yesterday/a.  m To think
       EI  Brenda/and/cigarette s/To m / night  I 20 / smoke/  în To tell                           u
          last/each.                                 IE To see
       g  My/lessons/start/8. 3O/morning/atlyesterday.  lp To do                                    P
       g  In / at I lasf  / fini sh/the/concert/Monday/  llu To be
       tr  Romina/a/dre  s s/choose/n  ic e I the  I f  or I p arty.  tr  Completa le  frasi  inserendo i verbi tra paren-
                                                        tesi al past simple.
       EI  Happen/afternoon/the/last/Sunday/accident/
          caî.                                       n  I ............ (to go) to the restaurant with an
       fl  A I Lrucy  I day I combination/cream/skin/for/use.  American  client yesterday.  We ............ (to
       tr  Finish/our/atlanticellulite/Tuesday/1  0 a.m./  eat) Japanese  food.
          treatment/last.                            EI  We ............ (to drive) around the car park to
       g  A/remove/cell  s/body  scrub/I/apply / to / dead.  find a parking  space but when we ............ (to
       m  Be/thatlbeauty/veryltherapist/kind/salon/     arrive) at the cinema, there   (to be) no
          in.                                           free seats.
       E  Scrivi dellefrasi alpast simple usando  iverbi  EI  The waitress  ............ (to ask) if we ............ (to
                                                        have) a reservation,  because the restaurant
                                                              (ro  be) full.
       II  To start                                  H  L...........  (to say) that it was too late for a
       fl  To open                                      face cleansing.
       EI To finish                                  EI  The beauty therapist    (to tell) us to
       E To want                                        come back in two hours, because  she ............
       E To mix                                         (to  have) no time.
       Gl To use                                     EI  My friend and I slowly   (to walk) back
       El To live                                       to the car and then   (to drive) away.
       El To apply                                   H  Brenda and I ............ (to see) a small shop,
       El To remove                                     so we ............ (to stop) there and ............ (to
       iE To place                                      buy) some sandwiches.  We ............ (to be) so
       lll To make up                                   hungry!
       lE To cleanse                                 EI  The hairdresser in that salon ............ (to
       lE To scrub                                      lighten) Mary's  hair yesterday afternoon,
       lB To file                                       but she      (not to be) satisfied.
       fE To cut                                     EI  L...........  (to buy) some new manicure  tools
       ltl To massage                                   for my beauty centre last week.
                                                     m  My favourite beauty shop ............ (to be) in
       4l Scrivi i/ past simple dei verbi seguenti. Ag-
                                                        the city centre last year.
         giungi  anche la traduzione in italiano.
                                                     ilI  The scissors I ............ (to buy) yesterday
       Il  To give                                            (to be) very expensive.
       El To speak                                   m  Mrs Smith       (to wash) her hair the day
       El To eat                                       before yesterday.  She ............ (to have) an
      El To drink                                       appointment  with her hairdresser yesterday
      El To write                                      afternoon.
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