Page 177 - Make Up Your English
P. 177

(ommunication                 O  passive form

         O asking and talking  about futu-  O make/get/let/have
            re plans  and intentions   O epilation:permanentmethods LU?
         O making predictions, promises,  et  Extension
            offers, requests,  and decisions
         O being affected by an action  O future continuous and future
                                          perfect                                                   K
                                       O to work future simple                                      E
         O body hair and waxing        O be going to work
                                       O future  in the past
         Grammar                       O from active to passive form                                u
         O future simple and be going  to  O to do/to make

       A New Lesson: Waxing

       La lezione di Miss Smith, I'insegnante  di pratica-corpo, oggi riguarda I'epilazione.

        .LEEE@                                       Jmtn: Sure, Miss Smith.

                                                     Mrss sMrrH: What are the advantages3  of epila-
          \     Leggi iI dialogo e sottolineatutti iver-  tion? Anne, will you explain it to me and to
                bi alfuture simple.
                                                       your classmates?  I'm sure you won't find it
       Mrss sMrrH:  Good morning,  girls. Today  we ate  difficult!
         going to talk about body-hair  removalr. Are  aNNE: If the root is removed, it will take longers
         you ready?  Please listen to me very carefully!  for the hair to grow back.
         I won't repeat anything  for a second  time! First  Mrss sMrrH: Correct! Do you think that the
         of all, let's look at the difference between de-  quantity of new hair will remain the same?
         pilation and epilation.  Does  anybody know the  JENNY: No, I don't think so.
         difference  between epilation and depilation?  If epilation is performed
       JENNv:  With epilation only a fraction of the hair  many times on one area, the
         above the surface  of the skin is removed.    quantity of new hair will be
         On the other hand, the term 'depila-            'reduced.
         tion' means that the entire hair is re-             Mrss sMrrH:  Good,
         moved.                                              Jenny. If epilation
       Mrss sMrru: Are you sure, Jenny? Will you try2        is performed re-
         again?                                                 peatedly6 on
       JENNY:  Mhm,I  think it's  just  the contrary.  Isn't it?
       Mrss sMrrH: Right.  When you remove hair by
         depilation, only the part of the hair above the
         surface of the skin is removed. With epilation
         the entire hair is removed. includ-
         ing the root. What is the root?
       ANNE:  The root is the part below the
         surface of the skin.
       Mrss sMrrrr: Very good, Anne.
         Jane, will you open the window,
         please? It's very hot today.
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