Page 172 - Make Up Your English
P. 172

ffT       III We have suggested these face creams.      Gl ............ snails?  (you  -  ever  to eat)
               lE My sister  has made an appointment  at     E I ............ Mrs Court   to change her
      0s          Mary's  beauty centre.                        appointment.  (not yet  -  to phone)
               lE Carol has explained  everything about      GI She       (just  to go out). Try to call her
       M          massages to her customer.                     on her mobile! Maybe she ............ (not yet  -
       A       lB My cousins  have been at Mary's beauty centre.  to arrive) at work
               lE Bob has massaged his client's back and     El I ............ today's paper ............ . (not yet  to
       K          shoulders.                                    read)
                                                             fD We        our new shop. (recently  to
       E       El Leggi I'elenco degli impegni diViolet  e scrivi
                  domande  e risposte  come  nell'esempio.
                                                             lll Carol      a letter from Tom. (just  to
       u          e.g. Go to the hairdresser's         ,/       receive)
                     Has Violet  been to the hairdresser's?  lE This is the best Íeatment L...........  . (ever  -
       P             Yes, she has.                              to do)
                    Take the clothes to the dry cleaner's X  lE Wait a moment,  please. We ............ our
                    Has Violet  taken the clothes to dry        pizza. (not yet  to order)
                    cleaner's?  No, she hasn't.              tE They       to see us. (recently  -  to be)
               Go to the hairdresser's                       lE Mary        the towels this evening.
               Phone Richard                                    (already  to wash)
               Post a letter for mum                         lE He       in an office before.  (never  to
               Open a bank account                     x        work)
               Do the shopping                               lE Sorry, but I ............ to Mr Brown.  (already  -
               Buy a new pair of shoes                 x        to speak)
               Go to the beauty centre for a face cleansing x  m ............ by sea? (you  before  to travel)
               Send dad a birthday  card                     fg ............ a taxi? (Nancy  -  yet  to call)
               Make an appointment  with the dentist   x     4  ............ this toning treatment? (you  -  ever  -
               Water the plants                                 to try)
               Thke  the clothes to the dry cleaner's  x     E[ Mary        (recently  to adopt) a new
               Make an appointment  for a waxing                cosmetic line at her beauty salon.
               Buy a new night treatment               x
                                                             El Julietîe, una make-up artis affermata, de-
               Have a manicure
                                                                scrive come ha trascorso i primi sei mesi
               Apply a body scrub
                                                                dell'anno. Completa il brano con il present
               Call the day spa in Brighton to get
                  information                          ,/       perfect simple dei verbi tra parentesi.
               Call Mary to give her the information  about  This year      tr  (to be) extremely  busy
                  Brighton                             X     for me. I ............ El (not  to stop) for a while!
               Bring  the make-up  case back to Mary   X     L........... El  (to wor$ hard ten hours per day,
               Tiy the new toning cream                ,/    six days per week. I ............ 4  (not yet  to be)
               Buy some sunscreens                     X     on holiday  ............! I ............ El  (recently  to
               Write an e-mail to Mihoko               X     become) make-up  artist for John Richmond
               4  Completa  le seguentifrasi  inserendo ilverbo  and I ............ El (to take)  part in different
                  a/ present  perfect simple  e usando  le parole  fashion  and charity events. Last London
                                                             fashion  week was really fantastic!  Then, my
                  tra parentesi.
                                                             family       E (to grow). My husband and
               II  Tom and Brenda      home, they are        I had a baby daughter, Violet, in March. We
                  sleeping now. (already  to come back)            El (ust  to move)  to London because
               a        the lesson ............?  (yet  to finish)  of my work at John Richmond's...  and what
               g  I ............ in a beauty  shop, but Iî  love to.  else? Ah, yes, John Richmond, the great
                  (never  -  to work)                        British fashion designer,  E (to ask) me
               el       Sicily? (you  to visit)              to became his personal make-up  artist this
               tr  She ............ some expensive  new tools for  morning. I ............lE (to accept)  but I hope  the
                 herjob. (recently  -  to buy)               next six months  are more relaxins!
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