Page 223 - Make Up Your English
P. 223
lE London shops are but............ too. tf
(fashionable - expensive)
A Scrivi il contrario dei seguenti aggettivi.
iil New Bond Street is one of ............ streets
n old in London. (expensive) M
H Tall E In New Bond Street you can find ............ A
EI Large in designer clothes. (good)
!l Expensive iD There are also streets in London. K
8 Completa la prima frase in modo appropria- The King's Road is and............ E
to con uno degli aggettivi precedenti. Quindi IE New Bond Street. (cheap qule|
scrivi una frase di significato identico inver-
m Going to the King's Road will be u
tendo i îermini del paragone.
for Anne's finance. (bad)
II Lisa is ............Anne. + Anne is ............
a Anne is her sister. -+ Anne's sister
is ............4nne. di ciascuna frase in
g Lisa is her sister. + Lisa's sister is [Jnisci l'inzio e la fine
modo corretto.
............ Lisa.
H Lisa's sister is ............ Lisa. + Lisa is II Jane is not at the partY
her sister. El Lisa arrived
EI Lisa is ............ Jenny. -r JennY is ............ Lisa. H Jenny leaves Anne and Lisa alone
GI London is ............ Manhattan. + B Anne asks if New York is
Manhattan is ............ London. E New York is
El London shops are ............ New York ones. -r El Anne has got
New York shops are ............ London ones. 5l Anne has
H New Bond Street is ............ King's Road. Et Anne is younger than Lisa
+ King's Road is New Bond Et Lisa is shorter than her sister
Street. lE Lisa is not as short
II! London is almost
lE It's the first time that
lE London and New York are
E London shops are
Completa le frasi seguenti con l'aggettivo ade- lE New Bond Street is
guato. Fai attenzione! Alcuni aggettivi sono di
lE The King's Road offers
grad.o cornparativo o sup erlativo.
A but she is tallerthanJennY.
Il Anne is ............ in her family. (young) E many questions about New York.
ts Lisa looks ............ she is. (young) C a good mix of high steet and designer clothes.
El Lisa is ............ daughter. (old) D never been to New York.
H Lisa's sister is girl. (tall) E more expensive than New York ones.
El Jenny is ............ girl that Anne knows. F as lively as New York.
(tall) G because she is studying for her exam.
Ét New York is London. (chaotic) H dramatically exPensive.
El New York is city in the world. I the evening before.
(glamorous) J as fascinating as everyone saYS.
Et New York is a............ city. (fascinating) K Lisa has come to London.
EI London is ............ New York. (big) L the most glamorous city in the world.
lfi Lisa is not ............ she thinks. (short) M because she is onlY 17 Years old.
III She is going to start a Cosmetology N two of the world's capitals of fashion.
course not ............ next September. (late) O because she wants to talk to Cathy.
lE New York is London. QivelY) P as she thinks.