Page 224 - Make Up Your English
P. 224
tu JANE: I have more
eyeshadows than
Leggi le affirmazioni di Liz e Ben e confronta i
.?1 due personaggi usando dei comparativi. you, it's true. But
I always use the
M same one!
A Ltz aNNE: Please, Jane, help me to choose a new
foundation. The one I have is too pale2. I need
K I'm23. a darker one!
E I'm a very good beauty therapist. JlxB: The cream one over there looks perfect.
I start work at 9.00 Tiy it! Oh, look, the nail polish over there is the
I don't work very hard. most wonderful one I have ever seen... Violet
u I have got a lot of money. is my favourite colour!
I love travelling. aNNE: It is simply the most horrible one you have
P I can speak French very well and German ever chosen! The red one next to it is the one
fairly well. I like the most. And it is also the one which
I'm not a good dancer. costs the least!
"llxp: The violet one is really very expensive. It's
more expensive than all other nail polishes...
BEN I can't understand why...
ANNE: It's true, it's the most expensive one. This
l'm25. is the most recent line... Maybe this is the
I'm a very good hairdresser. reason why it costs moîe than the other ones.
I start work at 8.00 JlNn: What a pity3! I can't spend as much money
I work very hard. as last time!
I have got a lot of money.
I don't love travelling.
I can't speak French very well, but I speak
perfect German.
Rileggi il brano e sottolinea tutte le forme di
I'm a good dancer.
comparativo e superlativo che riesci a tro-
Leggi una prima volta il seguente dialogo, quin-
Rivedi i comparativi che hai sottolineato, tra-
di praticalo a turno con i compagni.
scrivili e forma frasi di senso compiuto e indi-
JaNE: Let's have a look at those make-up prod- pendenti. Riscrivi poi in modo diverso frasi con
ucts. lo stesso significato, come nell'esempio.
aNNE: Good idea! I need some new ones.
e.9. Jenny and Jane together don't have as many
Jaxn: Anne, you already have as many make-up
products as a beauty shop's owner! Jenny and I make-up products as Anne.
Anne has more make-up products than Jenny
together don't have as many as you!
and Jane together.
aNNE: That's not true. I have fewer lipsticks than
Jenny and Jane together have fewer make-up
you. And my lipliners are extremely old! Much
products than Anne.
older than yours!
Jlxp: You bought two of them two weeks ago.
And you have more lipsticks than me. I only
have 4, I think you have at least 6 or 7. are
always buying make-up Anne! Rileggi il brano e trascrivi tutte le frasi in cui
aNNE: I don't buy make-up products as frequent- sono usati the most e the least. Credi che ci
ly as you think. Jane, tell the truthl, please! siano dffirenze nel loro uso? Prova a spie-
How many eyeshadows do you have? garle.