Page 251 - Make Up Your English
P. 251

       ll discorso indirett o (lndirect  Speech)
       ll  discorso indiretto(indirect  speech) è usato per riferire cosa qualcuno  ha detto o chiesto.   Î  A

       Per prima cosa, occorre  identificare quando si riporta  il discorso fatto:
       I  se quanto  è stato detto  è riportato a distanza  di poco tempo ed è ancora vero, il discorso  può essere   M
         riferito  senza modificare i tempi verbali;
       2  se il discorso  è riferito a distanza di tempo,  esso assume  un valore passato  e, di conseg oenza.   A
         occorre modificare i verbi, spostandoli indietro di un tempo verbale  (per esempio,  da indicativo  K
         presente  a indicativo  passato remoto), così come avviene in italiano.                    g
       La tabella evidenzia i cambiamenti  nei tempi  verbali  passando da discorso diretto a discorso indiretto.

                                                                         She said she apptied that
       present simple        I apply this face cream.  past simple
                                                                         face cream.                P
                             I am applying  this face                    She said she  was applying
       present continuous                          past continuous
                             cream,                                      that face cream.
                                                   past simple           She said she applied that
                                                                         face cream,
        past simple          I applied this face cream.
                                                   past perfect          She said she had applied
                                                                         that face cream.
                             I have  applied this face                   She said she had applied
        present perfect                            past perfect
                              cream.                                     that face cream.
                                                   past continuous       She said she  was apptying
                              I was apptying  this face                  that face cream.
        past continuous
                              cteam.               past perfect  continuous  She said she  had been
                                                                         applying  that face cream.
                              I wilt apply this face                     She said she woutd appLy
        will                                       would
                              cream.                                     that face cream.
                              I am going to apply this                   She said she was going to
        am/is/are going to                         was/were going to
                              face cream.                                apply that face cream.
                              I can apply this face                      She said she could apply
        can                                         could
                              cfeam.                                     that face cream.
                              I may apply this face                      She said she might apply
        may                                         might
                              cream.                                     that face cream.
                              I shall apply this face                     She said she should apply
        shall                                       should
                              cream.                                     that face cream.
                              I must appiy this face  had to              She said she had to apply
                              cleam.                                      that face cream.
                              All spa  guests  must be at  must           She said all spa  guests
                              least 14 years  of age.  (se esprime  un obbligo  must be at least  14 years
                                                    sempre valido)        of age.

       La tabella seguente  evidenzia  i tempi verbali  e i verbi modali che, passando da discorso diretto a
       discorso indiretto,  non subiscono variazioni.

                              I had applied this face                     She said she had apptied
        past perfect                                past perfect
                              cream.                                      that face cream.
                              I would  apply this face                    She said she woutd appty
        present conditional                         present conditional
                              cream.                                      that face cream.
                              I would  have  applied this                 She said she would have
        past conditional                            past conditional
                              face cream.                                 applied that face cream.
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