Page 35 - Make Up Your English
P. 35
The Family Tree 03
e M
Ascolta il dialogo e completa I'albero genealogico dellnfamiglia di Jane. A
MARcRET: My name is Margret. Alfred is my husband. We've got one son, K
George, and one daughter, Susan. Both George and Susan have got two E
children. So Alfred and I have got four grandchildren.
susAN: My name is Susan. Alfred and Margret are my parents. George is my brother and Clark
is my husband. Elizabeth is my niece and Philip is my nephew.
HTLARv: My name is Hilary. I'm George's wife. Elizabeth is my daughter and Philip is my son.
JANE: My name is Jane. Eddie is my brother. Elizabeth and Philip are my cousins. George is P
my uncle.
ELIZaBETH: My name is Elizabeth. Philip is my brother. George and Hilary are my parents.
Susan is my aunt.
lE Eddie is Jane's
lE Margret is Elizabeth's ............ .
Guarda I'albero genealogico di Jane e con -
lE Philip is Alfred's
pleta le frasi.
lE Susan is Elizabeth's ............ .
Il Alfred is Jane's lE Philip is Susan's
E Eddie, Jane, Philip, and Elizabeth are lE Hilary is George's
Alfred's @ Elizabeth is Susan's
g Clark is Jane's
E Eddie and Jane are Elizabeth's
E Jane is Susan's
E Jane is Eddie's
a George is Jane's Componi le coppie.
E Clark and Susan are Jane's tr Wife A Mother
g Elizabeth is Margret's a Uncle B Grandfather
ID Eddie and Jane are Clark and Susan's g Daughter c Sister
tr Father D Son
|n Clark is Susan's E Niece E Aunt
@ Alfred and Margret are Philip's g Grandmother F Husband
IE Hilary is Philip's a Brother G Nephew r