Page 38 - Make Up Your English
P. 38
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There is a canteen/a C'è una mensa/una
swimming pool. piscina.
M What is itlthe school/ Com'è/Com'è la
your room like? scuola/la tua camera? There are computers/ Ci sono computer/
A Is there a canteen/a C'è una mensa/una treatment rooms. cabine.
K swÍmming pool? Yes, piscina? Si./No. There isn't a canteen/a Non c'è una mensa/una
there is./No, there swimming pool. piscina.
E isnt.
There aren't Non ci sono computer/
Are there computers/ Ci sono computer/ computers/treatment cabine.
treatment rooms? Yes, cabine? Si./No. r00ms.
u there are./No, there
aren't. It has got a canteen/a Ha una mensa/una
P Isn't there a canteen/a Non c'è una mensa/una swimming pool. piscina.
swimming pool? Yes, piscina? Sì./No. Has it got a canteen/a Ha una mensa/una
there is./No, there swimming pool? Yes, it piscina? Si./No.
isn't. has./No. it hasn't.
Aren't there Non ci sono computer/ Hasn't it got a Non ha una mensa/una
computers/treatment cabine? Si./No. canteen/a swimming piscina? Sì./No.
rooms? Yes. there are./ pool? Yes, it has./No, it
No, there aren't. hasn't.
A Private Consultation
When a client goes for the first time into a beauty Personal information
salon, a good beauty therapist tries to identify the What's your first name?
treatments and products that best fit the client,s What's your surname?
conditions and needs. What is your street address?
To do so, the beauty therapist asks detailed ques- Where do you live?
tions about the client's state of health, skin, and Can you give me your phone number?
body conditions. Also the client's medical his- Is this a mobile or a fixed telephone?
tory and lifestyle are part of this interview. Are you interested in receiving information
This consultation can lasti up to 30 minutes about special offers and promotions?
depending on the type of treatment required. It Can we send them by e-mail?
is not a waste of timer as it is necessary to ensure Would you mind giving me your e-mail
that the treatments chosen are suitable and, first address, please?
of all, safe. What kind of treatments are you interested in?
It is important to fill in a personal cardr with all
What advantages and results do you expect,'
the client's personal data so that they are avail- to achieve?
able if needed (for instance, to inform the client State of health
in advancer about a delay). The beauty therapist Is there something you would like to under-
will keep this card updated: in order to have a line- with reference to your health conditions?
history of treatment programmes and for market- Do you think your state of health is good?
ing strategies. Do you have allergies? If so, what are you
Here is a list of the possible questions to ask dur- allergic to?
ing this interview. Do you have specific health problems?