Page 36 - Make Up Your English
P. 36

      Lu                                                                                      ()

                Leggi le descrizioni  e completa  la griglia  con le informazioni  richieste.  <^>
       ffi ffi
                My name is Lucy. I'm 16 years old and I'm a stu-   he is a hairdresser, He's ve-
        M       dent. I'm quite tall and thin. My hair is long and  ry tall and he is fit6. He's got

        A       curlyt. It is brown  and a bit lighte-                  short grey hair
                ned2. My eyes are blue and my skin              '!'a:i:  :lr-jji  and green  eyes.
        K       is normal. I've got a heart-shapedr             ;'t,1;,,,::  He's got a round  face and oily skin.

        E       face. I'm nice and friendly.      2 Eqp colpi,di  sole  He is very friendly.
                My mother's  name  is Anne. She is 48  3 a fórma di cuore  My brother Joseph is 14 years  old
                                                  4 sovrappeso
                years old and she is a manicurist.  She's               and he's a schoolboy.  He is the right
                                                  5 lisci
        U       not very tall and a bit overweightr.  6 in forma        weight and very tall. He's got green
                She's got brown eyes. She's got   7 macchie             eyes, curly brown hair, and an oval
                straights,  blonde  hair. She's got an oval             face. He's got acne-affected skin, so
                face and couperose-affected  skin. She's very strict!  he's got red spotst on his face and neck. He is a
                My father's name  is Tom. He is 50 years old and  very clever student.

                       Physical appearance

                                                              LANGUAGE FOUilDATION

                                                               Forte  è sia aggettivo sia awerbio e presenta  in ingle-
               Scrivi una tua breye descriz.ione.
                                                               se dÍverse traduzioni.  Se aggettivo,  è tradotto  con:
                                                               sfrong per indicare vigoroso.  resistente (in  senso  sia
                ""   .:.                                       fisico sia morate);  loud per indicare  sonoro, fragoro-
                                                               so, alto; heavy  per indicare intenso; bad se riferito
               Sullu base delle informazioni  date, rispondi alle  a un malessere fisico.
               domande riguardo a Mrs Smith  e MrThompson.     e.g. He's a very strong man. (È un uomo molto vigo-
                                                                 Who's  making  such a loud noise? (Chi  sta facen-
                Age           48            41,                  do un rumore cosi forte?)
                                                                 There's heavy traffic at this time. (A questbra
                Job           beauty        hairdresser          c'è sempre un traffico intenso)
                              consultant                         She suffers from bad headaches.  (Soffre di forti
                Physical      short and a bit                    mal di testa)
                                            very fit and tall
                appearance  overweight                        Se avverbio, è tradotto.  invece,  con:fast,  se riferito
                              lonq. curlv.  medium brown,     a velocità; hard, se riferito a sforzo fisico o mentale;
                Hair          --:-'J-'                        Ioudly,  se riferito  a suoni o voci.
                              bl.ack        very short
                Eyes          light blue    black             e.g, You're driving  too fast. (Stai andando  [in  mac-
                                                                 chinal troppo forte)
                Face          round         oval                 He studies hard in the evening.  (La sera  studia
                              pale                               molto)
                                            tanned, a bit        In beauty  parlours you work  hard on Saturday.
                Skin          complexion,
                                            oily                 (Nei centri estetici si lavora tanto il sabato)
                                                                 She always  speaks and laughs so toudlyl  (Parta
                Personalitv   verY attentive  creative,  and a   e ride sempre così ad alta voce!)
                              and friendlv  hard worker
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