Page 12 - RevistaISPA
P. 12


                                                      Case 37

                       This is the story of a boy named Juan, this boy was an average
                       grades, who one day came to school with a black eye, his teacher
                       asked him: what happened to you Juan and Juan answered: I fell
                       off  my  bicycle  at  that  answer  the  teacher  was  perplexed  but
                       decided not to ask as time went by, Juan kept coming back whit

                       worse  and  worse,  Injuries  that  ranged  from  blows  to  cigarette
                       burns,  and  one  day  the  teacher  told  Juan:  very  good  Juanito.  I
                       congratulate you patted him what is happening and tells him to
                       let. Him see his back Juan shows him and the teacher is horrified

                       to see  that  the back is  He has cigarette burns at this  point  the
                       teacher feared for Juan's life, so she contacted Juan's mother who
                       told  her  that  there  was  no  problem,  this  left  the  teacher  a  bit
                       perplexed since she herself had seen all s Juan's injuries and that is
                       why he decided to insist on that to which Juan's mother looked

                       increasingly  upset  and  Juan  increasingly  beaten  for  which  she
                       decided to call the police to investigate the case, the police began
                       to follow Juan's mother and they realized that if he hit him so, they
                       contacted  the  ICBF  Then  they  arrested  Juan's  mother  and  they

                       contacted Juan's father, who was very concerned about the case,
                       so he decided to pick up Juan from the ICBF and take him away he
                       went home , asked for a divorce with Juan's mother and cut off all
                       contact with her. Juan from then on lived very happily, his wounds
                       healed,  and  he  went  to  3rd  grade  very  happy  and  healthy.  The
                       teacher made sure that Juan was always well, and everyone lived


                       Whit the icbf so very whenever you get attacked do something

                                          ¡NO YOU STAY SILENT!

        ISPA CREC 2020                                                                                          10
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