Page 9 - RevistaISPA
P. 9


                                                   AS I AM

        Recognize that each one of us are different and unique, each one of us have abilities and gifts that make us special
        in front of others , but also, each one of us, since the moment that we born, regrdless of our differences, we have
        the same rights, to live our life in the best way.

        I have a moment to see the beauty on me.
        How pretty I am since I love myself so much.

        This draw was inspired in the self-love, self-esteem,
        the self imagen, first I must recognize me, love me,
        and after love others. GOD created me, and he
        wanted to draw me face so.

        The hearts mean that the children are love but the
        children are not hate also mean love, of all we ob-
        serve, how to see to the people, how I feel to the
        looking at me to mirror, my earrings mean all the
        good that I listen to and with the that I say.

        Now I want to ask you a question: How much do
        you love yourself?
                                            By: Luna Ramirez

        WE ARE EQUAL

        We as boys and girls deserve a better world
        Black and white we are all children
        and deserve the same opportunities
        Many children are shy and other children are not shy,
        they are different but the same

        equality, equality, equality

        We are all the same
        in the game, at school, in the family, we are all the same
        and everyone should love us and protect us
        equality, equality, equality

        Song written by:________Juan Jose Guarguatí Pedraza

        7                                                                                     ISPA CREC 2020
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