Page 5 - RevistaISPA
P. 5


                            By: Juan Guarguati

                         The purpose of this magazine is to show through drawings, activities, and artistic cre-
                         ations, how boys  and girls belonging to sixth, seventh and eighth grade, show their
                         knowledge regarding the children’s rigths by implementing what they learned in English
                         class as a fundamental part of their education.

                         The drawings and writings that you will see below were made by the students of the San
                         Pablo Apostol school under the supervision of the English teacher, Jeimmy Niño.

                         I would like to take this opportunity to thank the creativity, time, and enthusiasm of each
                         of the students who did their writing and drawing for this magazine and I also thank the
                         school for giving me the opportunity to do this first activity, specially to father Abelardo
                         Gomez who has given me this opportunity

                         We hope you enjoy this content
                                                                                    By: Marcela Beltran

        3                                                                                     ISPA CREC 2020
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