Page 317 - KRCL ENglish
P. 317
Notes forming part of the Consolidated Financial Statements as at 31 March, 2020
2019-20 2018-19 2019-20 2018-19 2019-20 2018-19 2019-20 2018-19
Policy of insurance 100.00% 100.00% 100.00%100.00%
Net Cost recognised in Statement of
Prot and Loss
(Under the head "Employee Benet
Expenses" - Refer note no.36)
Current Service Cost 30.97 28.79 11.73 10.25 2.02 2.03 6.45 6.69
Interest Cost 48.82 38.61 15.09 12.96 11.99 10.01
Past service cost -
Interest Income (41.41) (32.71) (13.34) (11.81) - -
Total cost considered as Employee 38.38 34.69 13.48 11.40 2.02 2.03 18.43 16.70
Benet expenses
Other Comprehensive Income
Other Comprehensive Income at the
beginning of the year 145.55 66.41 33.01 23.71 - - -
Components of acturial gain/losses on
Due to change in nancial assumptions 107.40 48.92 15.72 6.51
Due to change in demographic
assumptions 1.18 (0.88) -
Due to experience adjustments 60.34 34.49 3.84 2.14
Actuarial (Gains)/Losses on Obligation 168.91 83.41 18.68 8.65
Return on plan assets excluding amounts
included in interest income 1.97 (4.26) 1.23 0.65
Other Comprehensive Income at the end
of the year 316.44 145.55 52.92 33.01
Reconciliation of opening and closing
net liability recognized in Balance Sheet
Net Liability at the beginning of the year 112.83 92.50 29.04 20.34 2.03 - 161.17 134.49
Expenses as recognized in prot and
loss account 38.38 34.69 13.48 11.40 2.02 2.03 21.52 31.50
Other Comprehensive Income for the
current period 170.88 79.15 19.91 9.30 - -
Expenses deducted from the fund (3.32) (4.82)
Benets paid by the Company
Employers Contribution (52.18) (93.50) (12.00) (12.00) - - - -
Net liability/(Asset) recognized in Balance
Sheet at the year end 269.91 112.83 50.43 29.04 4.04 2.03 179.36 161.17
Principal Actuarial Assumptions: -
Discount Rate 6.80% 7.55% 6.80% 7.55% 6.80% 7.55% 6.80% 7.55%
Salary Escalation
7.00% p.a 7.00% p.a 7.00% p.a 7.00% p.a 7.00% p.a 7.00% p.a 7.00% p.a 7.00% p.a
for rst 2 for rst 3 for next 2 for next 3 for next 2 for next 3 for rst 2 for next 3
years & years & years & years & years & years & years & years &
5.00% p.a 5.00% p.a 5.00% p.a 5.00% p.a 5.00% p.a 5.00% p.a 5.00% p.a 5.00% p.a
thereafter thereafter thereafter thereafter thereafter thereafter thereafter thereafter