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                   Notes forming part of the Consolidated Financial Statements as at 31  March, 2020
               37.1 8.50% 2500 taxable bonds of 17-I series amounting to `250 Crore have been issued
                    for capital projects which includes additional Stations and Looplines. Hence interest
                    amounting to `11.17 crore (interest payable `21.25 crore net-off interest earned ` 7.18
                    crore)  on  these  bonds  have  been  charged  to  Project  of  additional  stations  and
                    looplines in accordance with Ind AS 23 Borrowing Costs. Interest amounting to ` 2.9
                    Crore on these bonds charged to Prot and Loss.

               37.2 Other Interest includes ` 0.065 Crore (` 3.80 Crore) on account of interest paid on
                    arbitration awards during the current nancial year.

               37.3 Interest on Rupee Term Loan from State Bank of India and Export-Import Bank of India
                    for its Route Electrication and Roha to Veer Doubling Project. Interest amounting to
                    `24.79 Crore (` 1.60 Crore) have been charged to the project in accordance with Ind
                    AS 23 Borrowing Costs.

               38.   Other Expenses

                                                                              2019-20            2018-19

                 Rent for Residential buildings                                       0.42              0.25
                 Rent for Ofce buildings                                             0.93              0.94
                 Telephone and Communications                                         0.51              0.68
                 Vehicle Expenses                                                     0.86              0.97
                 Vehicle Hiring Expense                                               3.03              2.67
                 Corporate Social Responsibility Expenses                             1.64              2.39
                 Legal Expenses                                                       0.40              0.72
                 Advertisement & publicity                                            1.32              0.68
                 Payment to Auditors                                                  0.16              0.14
                 Travelling expenses                                                 20.59             21.53
                 Commission                                                           0.62              0.51
                 Insurance                                                            0.28              0.20
                 Indirect Tax                                                         0.46              2.92
                 Repairs and Maintenance-Staff Qtrs,Ofce Building                    4.12              3.99
                 Electricity and Water Charges                                        2.17              1.88
                 Other Sundry Expenses                                               12.04             15.53
                 Doubtful Debts                                                       0.17                 -
                 Loss on Sale of Asset                                                0.01                 -
                                                            TOTAL                    49.73             55.99

               # The detail of CSR expenses has been disclosed in Note No.52
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