Page 319 - KRCL ENglish
P. 319
Notes forming part of the Consolidated Financial Statements as at 31 March, 2020
37.1 8.50% 2500 taxable bonds of 17-I series amounting to `250 Crore have been issued
for capital projects which includes additional Stations and Looplines. Hence interest
amounting to `11.17 crore (interest payable `21.25 crore net-off interest earned ` 7.18
crore) on these bonds have been charged to Project of additional stations and
looplines in accordance with Ind AS 23 Borrowing Costs. Interest amounting to ` 2.9
Crore on these bonds charged to Prot and Loss.
37.2 Other Interest includes ` 0.065 Crore (` 3.80 Crore) on account of interest paid on
arbitration awards during the current nancial year.
37.3 Interest on Rupee Term Loan from State Bank of India and Export-Import Bank of India
for its Route Electrication and Roha to Veer Doubling Project. Interest amounting to
`24.79 Crore (` 1.60 Crore) have been charged to the project in accordance with Ind
AS 23 Borrowing Costs.
38. Other Expenses
2019-20 2018-19
Rent for Residential buildings 0.42 0.25
Rent for Ofce buildings 0.93 0.94
Telephone and Communications 0.51 0.68
Vehicle Expenses 0.86 0.97
Vehicle Hiring Expense 3.03 2.67
Corporate Social Responsibility Expenses 1.64 2.39
Legal Expenses 0.40 0.72
Advertisement & publicity 1.32 0.68
Payment to Auditors 0.16 0.14
Travelling expenses 20.59 21.53
Commission 0.62 0.51
Insurance 0.28 0.20
Indirect Tax 0.46 2.92
Repairs and Maintenance-Staff Qtrs,Ofce Building 4.12 3.99
Electricity and Water Charges 2.17 1.88
Other Sundry Expenses 12.04 15.53
Doubtful Debts 0.17 -
Loss on Sale of Asset 0.01 -
TOTAL 49.73 55.99
# The detail of CSR expenses has been disclosed in Note No.52