Page 324 - KRCL ENglish
P. 324

                   Notes forming part of the Consolidated Financial Statements as at 31  March, 2020
                    A substantial portion of Trafc Earnings of the Corporation accrues from various Zonal
                    Railways.  The  corporation  also  makes  payment  of  signicant  amounts  of  Trafc
                    Earnings to said Zonal Railways as per the agreement with the Ministry of Railways.
                    Such “apportioned earnings” form a major part of trafc revenue of the Corporation.

                    The  revenue  expenditure  incurred  under  the  head  'Train  Operations  Expenses'
                    include large amount of expenditure towards Hire charges of Coaches, Locos and
                    Wagons and fuel charges from the various Zonal Railways.

                    A large portion of Project Revenue is contributed by the various Zonal Railways and
                    from other PSU companies owned by Central Government/state Governments.

                    The details of transactions along with name of the projects and such awarding entities
                    are mentioned below:
                                                                                                  ( ` In Crore)

                           Related Party Name                 Nature of Transaction        2019-20  2018-19
                Zonal Railways                          Hire Charges of Rolling Stock      173.59     184.19

                Zonal Railways                          Fuel Expenses                      269.73     308.14

                Indian Oil Corporation Ltd.             Purchase of Diesel and Lubricant Oil  280.56  265.39
                                                        Construction of Rest House, duty
                National Projects Construction Corporation Ltd.  room and service blocs      0.00      0.30

                                                        Quality Assurance and Inspection
                Certication Engineers International Ltd (CEIL)  Services                    3.66      4.55

                RITES Ltd.                              Technical Consultancy                3.18      4.34
                RITES LTD                               Inspection Fees                      0.18      0.17
                STEEL AUTHORITY OF INDIA                Purchase of Rails                    7.14     13.61

                                                        CONSULTANCY OF ERP REVAMP

                NICS                                    PROJECT                              0.00      0.05
                NICS                                    ADV PAYMENT                          0.08      0.01

                RAILTEL CORP OF INDIA                   INTERNET LEASE LINE SERVICES         0.05      0.05

                RAILTEL CORP OF INDIA                   BANDWIDTH LEASE CHARGES              0.96      0.79

                RAILTEL CORP OF INDIA                   LEASING OF NGN CONNECTIVITY          0.09      0.05
                                                        LEASE CHARGES FOR VIDEO
                RAILTEL CORP OF INDIA                   CONFERENCE FACILITY                  0.05      0.06

                CRIS                                    EXP.FOR UTS  OVER KR                 1.46      4.05
                                                        MAINTENANCE & AMC SUPPORT

                CRIS                                    FOR WEBSITE                          0.07      0.00
                                                        RENEWAL OF POST
                                                        IMPLEMENTATION SUPPORT OF
                CRIS                                    COA APPLICATION                      1.02      0.00
                Northern Railway                        USBRL Project                     1280.73    1163.64
                NTPC-Kudgi                              Construction of Railway Siding      11.71     17.12

                NTPC-Gadarwara                          Construction of Railway Siding     114.95     342.85

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