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                   Notes forming part of the Consolidated Financial Statements as at 31  March, 2020
               45. Earnings per Share (EPS) is calculated as under:

               Particulars                                        2019-20                 2018-19

               Net Prot / (Loss) for the year (` in crore)         5.97                    99.85
               Weighted average no. of Equity shares of
               `1,000 each                                      1,27,77,177             1,12,24,252
               Weighted average no. of Ordinary Shares
               for Diluted EPS                                  5,35,72,277             5,20,19,352
               Earnings Per Share (in `)                            4.67                    88.97
               Earnings Per Share Diluted (in `)                    1.11                    19.20

               46.  Receivable and payable balances of Railways, Government Authorities, Suppliers,
                    Contractors,  etc.  are  subject  to  conrmation  /  adjustment  /  reconciliation.  The
                    Corporation is in the process of review of such balances for carrying out necessary
                    adjustments in the subsequent years.

               47.   Taxes on Income

                i.   KRCL  has  an  unabsorbed  depreciation  of  `1146.63  crore  (`  1372.65  crore)  as
                     computed under Income Tax Act 1961.  In view of, no income tax provision is made
                     during the current year.

                ii.  Considering the past trend of income and payment towards servicing of interest,
                     management is of the view that the future taxable prot shall not be sufcient to
                     recoup/recover the deferred tax asset in near future. In view of this, as per Ind AS-12
                     deferred tax asset has not been created.

                iii.  The amount of ineligible Input Tax Credit due to mismatch of ITC claimed with Credit
                     reected in Form 2A of GST portal for the Financial Year 2018-19, has not been
                     nalized. Hence liability against such ineligible Input Tax Credit cannot be worked out.
                     The Company will nd out the ineligible Input Tax Credit if any before completion of
                     GST Audit for the Financial Year 2018-19 and will discharge the same as per the
                     provision of GST Act.

                iv.  An amount of mismatched ITC of ` 24,96,784/- has been paid in the course of GST
                     Audit apart from interest of ` 2,28,293/- thereon for the FY 2017-18.

                v.  The Refund of the Income tax of ` 34.73 crore is pending for various reasons such as
                     disputed  demand  raised  against  certain  dis-allowances,  pending  completion  of
                     Assessment of immediately preceding years, pending processing of refund order,
                     etc. The Management is pursuing the claim for recovery of the same and is of the
                     opinion that no provision is required for the same.
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