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                   Notes forming part of the Consolidated Financial Statements as at 31  March, 2020
               Further Corporation had spent ` 38.38 Lakhs from CSR budget for the said society.

               43.5 The Key Managerial Personnel of the Corporation and their remuneration (including
                    Superannuation benets) are as below:

                 a)  Shri Sanjay Gupta, Chairman and Managing Director Salary & Allowances: `0.69
                    Crore ( ` 1.12 Crore) including Employer Contribution to PF:  ` 0.09 Crore ( ` 0.24
                    Crore); Perks: Nil

                 b)  Shri Amitabh Banerjee, Director (Finance) (Period 01/04/19 to 12/10/2019) Salary
                    &  Allowances:  `0.39  Crore  (`1.04  Crore)  including  Employer  Contribution  to  PF:
                    ` 0.04 Crores (`0.24 Crore); Perks: Nil

                 c)  Shri  Hari  Das  Gujrati,  Director  (Operations  &  Commercial)  Salary  &
                    Allowances:`0.59 Crore (`0.52 Crore) including Employer Contribution to PF: `0.08
                    Crore (`0.08 Crore); Perks: Nil

                 d)  Shri Subhas Chand Gupta, Director (Way & Works) (Salary & Allowances:`0.48
                    Crore (`0.12 Crore) including Employer Contribution to PF: `0.07 Crore ( `0.015
                    Crore); Perks: Nil

                 e)  Shri  Rajendra  Parab,  (Company  Secretary)  Salary  &  Allowances:  `0.24  Crore
                    (`0.22 Crore) including Employer Contribution to PF: `0.012 Crore ( `0.012 Crore);
                    Perks: Nil

               44.  Lease payments:

                    With effect from 1st April, 2019, Ind AS 116 – “Leases” (Ind AS 116) supersedes Ind AS
                    17  –  “Leases”.  The  Company  has  adopted  Ind  AS  116,  retrospectively  with  the
                    cumulative effect of initially applying the standard, recognized on the date of initial
                    application (April 1, 2019).  The application of Ind AS 116 has resulted into recognition
                    of 'Right-of-Use' asset with a corresponding Lease Liability in the Balance Sheet.
                    However the company has applied the option given in transitional provisions of the Ind
                    AS 116, and recognized the right-of-use asset at an amount equal to the lease liability
                    at  the  date  of  initial  application,  relating  to  those  operating  lease  arrangement
                    recognized in the balance sheet immediately before the date of initial application. Due
                    to which there is no impact on the date of initial application i.e. 01/04/2019 on the
                    opening balance of retained earnings.

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